Chapter 21

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*Your POV*

Suddenly an ominous voice interrupted him, "I think that's enough story telling for one day Tsuki."

I looked around frantically, "Who's there?!"

Suddenly I saw two demonic wings as a familiar figure stepped into the the light, "Hello (Y/N)."

My eyes widened as I recognized his fiery red hair and his flaming red eyes, "Kouen?! W-What are you doing here?! How is this possible?!"

I couldn't believe my eyes, Kouen was here with demon wings! I shook my head and muttered, "This isn't real."

I turned to glare at Tsuki, "What tricks are you trying to pull right now?!"

Tsuki's calm composure was back, "No tricks (Y/N), the Kouen you see right now is the real one."

"But how is this possible?! You can only be an angel or a demon once you've died! In all my memories you were human, I'm certain that you were human!" I exclaimed.

Kouen smirked as he looked at Tsuki, "Should we connect the dots for her dear friend?"

"I'm not your friend," Tsuki said icily, "You know there's only one reason that I'm helping you, so do whatever you please."

I payed attention to their barbed exchange, 'So they're not the friendliest of allies then?'

Kouen sneered at Tsuki, "You're so cold to me, but that's okay. Soon you can have your little angel back."

Tsuki's red eyes flashed, "You'd better be telling the truth."

"Of course," Kouen smiled slyly, "I'd never go back on my word."

'What is he talking about?'

But before I could ask Kouen turned to me, "So (Y/N), are you ready for an evil monologue? After all I know you're a fan of movies, and every villain does an evil monologue."

I shook my head, 'This isn't real, this isn't real. Kouen can't really be the demon who killed me, that's impossible.'

Kouen punched me in the same spot Tsuki did and I gasped sharply. His face was cruel, "I know what you're thinking, and this is real, very real."

I couldn't breathe properly and I felt like keeling over, 'It's not true, something happened to him. I know he'd never do this.'

He caressed my cheek gently but I could see the sadistic gleam in his eyes, "Oh I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to hurt you so badly. I just wanted to rough you up a bit physically, before I started mentally."

I continued to deny it, "No, I won't believe it. There's no way that you're that demon. I saw you on the other side of the crosswalk just before I was pushed on the road, and I even died in your arms. There's no way that you're really Kouen!"

Kouen nipped my ear and whispered, "I'll try and fill things in for you as simply as possible, but we'll see if your naïve little brain can grasp everything."

I growled at him, but he ignored me, "Well do you remember that 'potion' Tsuki used to help you regain your memories?"


An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now