Chapter 20

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*Your POV*

This time I took the clothes completely out of the drawer and when I did I saw a small hole that you could use to remove the coverup.

Carefully I lifted up the lid, but when I saw what was inside my heart stopped and my blood went cold.

Suddenly a voice behind me jump, "What do you think you're doing with my things (Y/N)?"

I whirled around with wide eyes to see Tsuki glaring at me from the doorway.

He looked angry, "I asked you what you were doing with my things."

I backed away from him, "Why do you have this?"

"My question first." He demanded.

I held up the horrifically familiar weapon, "NO! Tell me where you got this dagger!! How did you get this?! Sinbad tried to kill me with this so why do you have it?! Tell me!"

Tsuki's red eyes were now icy cold, "That's none of your concern (Y/N)."

I felt myself get lightheaded, "Was it really Sinbad who attacked me?"

He didn't respond and I felt confusion cloud my thoughts, "But how? I know it was Sinbad that night who tried to kill me! I heard his voice and saw his face! I looked right into his eyes, I know it was him!"

Tsuki's voice was harsh, "I already told you, this is none of your concern (Y/N)."

"None of my concern?!" I exclaimed angrily, "I was killed and you're telling me that this was none of my concern?! No, you're going to tell me what's really going on here or I'm going to make you!"

"And how do you plan on doing that?" He asked skeptically.

I gripped the dagger tightly and used my wings to give me a boost as I lunged at Tsuki furiously. Tsuki's eyes widened in surprise, but he barely managed to jump out of the way causing me to harmlessly cut the right side of his shirt open.

I noticed the small scar near his shoulder and I scowled, "If you don't tell me who you really are then you better believe that I'm going to give you another scar."

He glared at me, "I am who I am, there's nothing more to tell you. Now you're going to have to come with me, I know that a certain someone who's been wanting to see you."

I kept my guard up, "And who would that be?"

Tsuki opened his white angel wings and attacked, "You'll find out soon enough!"

Just as I dodged his assault I caught a better glimpse at his now open wings, 'Hey, that's...'


Before he could try to knock me around anymore I bit down hard into his wing and I continued to dig my teeth in until he howled in pain.

I smirked in satisfaction, 'Serves you right traitor!'

Suddenly he roughly slammed me against the wall and I hit it with a thud. This forced me to let go of him and fall to the ground. But then just as I thought Sinbad was going to finish the job he sent me a final glare and ran away.

*Flashback End*

'Those are the same bite marks that I left on Sinbad's wing when he attacked me, but how is that possible?'

Suddenly I remembered earlier today when I grabbed Tsuki's wrist and he flinched away, 'That must've been because I injured his wrist when knocking the dagger out of his hand last night!'

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now