Chapter 19

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*Your POV*

I laughed as Tsuki and I continued to watch Mulan 2 when suddenly Tsuki asked, "I know you're a hopeless romantic, but is there another reason you like this movie so much?"

I smiled as I thought back, "Well I always loved it when I was a kid in fact I liked it so much so that Kouen would become sick of it, but nevertheless he watched it with me anyway. I loved the movie even into our teenage years, actually I loved movies in general because watching them with other people always made me happy and sometimes they teach you random stuff that could actually come in handy."

"It was our one year anniversary and for that night he let me pick a movie, do you want to guess which one it was?" I asked.

Tsuki chuckled, "Mulan 2."

"Bingo," I laughed, "Anyway now that we were dating I told him that if we were to ever get married I would buy the yin and yang necklaces for us."

"At first Kouen was flustered and surprised that I said I wanted to marry him, but eventually he calmed down and said that one day we would be married." I felt warmth flood into my cheeks as I remembered our past, "I was happy to hear that of course, but then he asked me if I was serious about the necklaces. I told him that I was dead serious and that on our wedding day it would be my gift to him. Kouen just laughed and told me I wouldn't remember, so we made a bet. If I remembered then he would have to wear it whether he liked or not, but if I forgot then he wouldn't have to wear it, for obvious reasons. We agreed to it, and about four years later it was our wedding day." I felt pain seep into my heart as I kept going.

"That day I was running late to our wedding, but Kouen knew me so well that he scheduled it a hour and a half later so that my usual lateness would actually be on time. Little did he know I was buying the necklaces for us just like I said I would for his surprise wedding gift, and that's why I was late. After it was confirmed that my dress fit I was so excited to get to the wedding, I couldn't wait to show him that I remembered even after four years. I was looking forward to seeing the surprise on his face, so I rushed over to see him. When I got to the crosswalk I saw him across the street and we were screaming at each other like crazy star-crossed lovers, in fact it makes me chuckle every time I think about it." I said with a small, but sad laugh.

"But then I was suddenly grabbed by a demon who shoved me onto the road where I was hit by a car, and you know the rest." I smiled bitterly, "I guess you could say I like this movie because I'm a fan of the jewelry and it's happy ending, or you can be pessimistic and believe that I'm jealous of their happiness despite the difficulties they had in their relationship. Personally I think that I like it for both reasons."

Tsuki frowned, "But you're with Kouen now, isn't that a happy ending?"

I scoffed as I turned off the movie, "If you call visiting every once and a while because I don't have the strength to stay there forever a happy ending, then sure, but personally I don't. But don't miss understand me, I'm grateful to be able to be with Kouen like this because it's better than not at all. I just can't help but think that things would have been so much better if I wasn't murdered."

Tsuki's red eyes flashed, "I won't forgive Sinbad for taking your happiness away from you."

I frowned, "I wish I could say the same, but....."

"But what (Y/N)? He killed you once already and then he tried to manipulate you, there are no 'buts' about this!" Tsuki exclaimed angrily.

"I know, but part of me still cares about him. This is going to sound cheesy because it's used in every romantic movie, but I really do feel as if something is drawing me towards him. I just can't help it." I explained.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now