Chapter 6

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*Your POV*

When I was able to see again I saw that I had been brought to a construction site. It was dark and just like in my nightmare there was a crescent moon eerily illuminating the night sky.

'If the mirror teleported me to where Kouen is then-'

Suddenly I glimpsed a flash of red hair on the top of an incomplete building.

'It's Kouen!'

I rushed towards him as he stepped on to the edge, "DON'T DO IT KOUEN!!"

But my voice was unheard as he hurled himself off the roof, "NO!!!!"

I dove after him, 'That lunatic! What is he thinking?! You know what, scratch that, HE WASN'T THINKING!!!'

The ground was getting closer and closer, 'I'm not going to make I can't think like that! I will save him, I won't let him die!!'

Just then I felt my wings receive a boost of speed and before I knew it I was tightly holding on to Kouen's hand.

'I-I did it! He's safe!'

I felt my whole body sag with relief as I gently lowered the both of us to the ground, 'That was way too close!'

Suddenly I heard a groan, "What's...going on? Where am I?"


His red eyes widened as he stood up, "(Y/N)? I-Is that you?"

"Yes, I'm here." I murmured gently as I bent down to comfort him.

Kouen tried to back away from me, "No! You're not her! This is just another cruel dream!"

I touched his cheek, "I'm real, and I'm here to protect you."

He hesitated, "But how?"

"When I died I became a guardian angel. I wanted to find you sooner, but I had lost all my memories and I've only recently regained them." I explained.

"I want to believe you but-"

"I know this is hard to grasp, but I promise you that I'm real and that I'm here," I interrupted, "I'm sorry that this is all so confusing."

Kouen frowned, "So this is all real? You're really here?"

I nodded, "Yes. I'm so sorry that I took so long."

Kouen shook his head, "If this is real then I'm just glad you came, if it weren't for you I'd be dead."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Speaking of which, WHAT THE HECK DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!?!?!"

Kouen only shuddered, "I don't know. It was like something had control over my body. One moment I was sleeping, and the next I'm at a construction site with you."

My eyes widened, "You were being controlled."

"By who?" He asked.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora