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*Your POV*
-Almost 3 years after Ch. 25-

I blinked my eyes open, 'Where am I?'

I looked around. The room was dark, and I seemed to be in a hospital bed wearing one of their gowns.

Suddenly Sinbad's soft voice reached my ears, "(Y/N)? Are you awake?"

"I am." I murmured weakly.

Sinbad took my hand, "I thought you were going to leave me."

I caressed his cheek, "I'm not going anywhere."

"So, how is she?" I asked.

Sinbad smiled, "She's perfectly fine. After you went into critical condition they moved her to another room to look after her, but I'm glad you're okay."

He leaned down to kiss me, "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you again."

I looked at him sternly, "Don't think that way, after all I just told you that I'm never leaving you again."

I bit my lip excitedly, "Do you think you can bring her in here? I haven't had a chance to hold her yet."

He smiled, "Of course."

Soon he returned with a small bundle in his arms and then he gently handed her to me. To my surprise she was awake. She had big, sparkling, golden eyes just like her father, but whenever she looked up at me and cooed in happiness I could see that she got her smile from me. Then I saw the small tufts of purple hair growing out of her tiny head and smiled, "Looks like she's inheriting your beautiful hair."

He nodded, "But you saw that she has your gorgeous smile didn't you? I think that's a far better trait to have."

"I-I guess so." I agreed sheepishly.

"So what do you think we should name this little one?" He asked.

"How about Kouki? It means light and hope." I murmured, "Also it is a combination of two people that I am grateful too."

"I think it's beautiful (Y/N), but who are these two people?" Sinbad asked while looking at me curiously.

"Kouen, and Tsuki." I told him.

His golden eyes were shadowed, "Kouen? Why him?"

"If it weren't for Kouen then I never would have met you. I know he never meant for us to be together, but if he had never turned you into a human then this little one wouldn't be here right now." I explained gently.

He caressed my cheek softly, "You really don't have any lingering feelings for him?"

I nodded.

Sinbad's voice was hoarse, "You promise?"

I leaned up to kiss him, "My love is for you and only you Sin."

His eyes lit up in happiness, "Thank you (Y/N), I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions."

"It's okay," I smiled, "I'll always love you no matter what."

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now