Chapter 16

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*Your POV*

I chased after Sinbad, "Where are we going?"

"I dunno," He hummed playfully, "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."

"Come ooooon! Just tell meeeee!" I whined.

"Nope," He laughed, "It's a surprise!"

I pouted, "Fine be that way."

"There's no need to get so upset (Y/N), we're almost there." Sinbad said as he slowed down.

I caught up to him and looked around. When I saw nothing but trees I looked at him dubiously, "There's nothing around here."

He got behind me which forced me to tuck my wings in and rely on him to guide me. He looped one arm around my waist and used his other arm to cover my eyes with his large hand.

"Hey, what are you doing Sin?" I asked as I tried to wriggle away from him.

He was right by my ear when he murmured, "Do you trust me?"

The way his lips tickled my ear made me shudder, but I forced myself to ignore it as I replied, "Of course I do, you already know that."

I felt his warm breath fan the side of my face as he chuckled, "I know, I was just double checking."

Then Sinbad started to lower us to the ground and I tensed up nervously afraid that he would drop me.

"There's no need to worry (Y/N), I've got you." He whispered soothingly.

I tried to loosen up, "O-Okay."

When we landed he uncovered my eyes and when I looked around I saw a cute tree house that was close to the ground.

When we landed he uncovered my eyes and when I looked around I saw a cute tree house that was close to the ground

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I looked at Sinbad in surprise, "Did you make this?!"

He looked at me sheepishly, "Yes."

I was amazed, Tsuki only kicked him out a short while ago. How did he manage to build something like this so quickly?!

Sinbad's golden eyes were nervous, "What do you think of it?"

"I think it's adorable! I love it!" I smiled, "Is this where you've been living?"

He nodded, "Yeah. It's small, but I like it."

"I think it's a great place Sin, and I'm very impressed on how well you built it in such a short time!" I exclaimed.

Sinbad seemed to be beaming at my praises as we flew up to the door, "Thanks (Y/N)."

When I walked inside I saw a hammock which I assumed Sinbad slept it, a tiny kitchen along the walls, and a small table in the middle.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now