Chapter 8

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*Your POV*

I grimaced. I'd seen Sinbad mad before, in fact I've made him mad several times before, but this was a whole new level. Instead of yelling at me and glaring at me like he normally does he was just ignoring my presence all together.

"Sinbad?" I called again, "Please talk to me."

He was laying on a tree branch and I saw him open one eye to look at me, and then he closed it again like he didn't see me there.

I felt my teeth clench, 'He's doing this on purpose!'

I forced myself to take a deep breath, 'Relax (Y/N). If you're angry then your apology won't sound genuine.'

I called him again, "Sinbad can you please come down here?"

This time he didn't even open one eye. I sighed, 'He must be really mad.'

I opened my wings, 'Fine. If he won't come to me then I'll go to him."

Once I got to the branch I poked at him, "Sinbad."

His fierce golden eyes opened, "What do you want?"

I gulped, "Well I wanted to let you know that I was back, and that I was hoping to talk to you."

He kept glaring at me, "Well since you're here I might as well hear you out."

"I wanted to apologize for suddenly leaving, and-"

"And ditching me for that human? Yes, I've already forgiven you for that." He spat.

'Your words are telling me one thing, but your tone is saying something totally different.'

I fidgeted under his intense stare, "T-Then do you mind telling me what's wrong? Maybe we could t-talk about it?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because we're friends..." I hesitated.

All of a sudden contempt filled his eyes and he stood up threateningly, "Now you want to talk to me about something?! Well I think you're wrong (Y/N), I think that maybe I should just 'do as Kouen says' and back off!!"

I flinched, "Sinbad, I didn't mean it like that."

"So what did you mean?!"

"I just, well, I-I don't know." I stammered.

Sinbad's eyes were now filled with pain, "(Y/N) I can't handle this. I literally get headaches thinking about you and worrying about wether or not you're okay. You haven't even been gone for that long! You have no idea how much I hate this."

"Hate what?"

His eyes flared again, "You! Kouen! Everything! I just hate it all! I hate the way he looks at you, I hate the way that you look at him, I just hate it! But what I hate the most is that your words hurt me..."

I reached out to him, "Sinbad, I had no idea you felt that way."

He smacked my hand away, "Why do you care anyway? Don't you have a fiancé to get back to?"

"Kouen is important to me, but so are you Sinbad. Please understand." I murmured.

He scowled, "No, but what I do understand is that I'm nowhere near as important to you as that precious little fiancé of yours."

"I know you're angry, but I understand and-"

"No (Y/N) you don't understand! And you never will understand! You say that we're friends and you say that you can never forget about me, but then as soon as I help you find Kouen you tell me to back off! You brush off my concerns for you like they're nothing! If you really understood then you wouldn't have done that!" Sinbad snarled.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now