Chapter 22

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*Your POV*

Kouen tilted his head, "What? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

I glared at him, "If I knew who he was I wouldn't be asking you! Tell me!"

"Well since you asked me so nicely I guess I can tell you," His red eyes gleamed as he chuckled, "It's your beloved Sinbad."

My eyes widened, "But how? When we met he didn't even recognize me!"

"You remember that he's suffering from a bit of memory loss right? Now that you know what I am and what I can do, why do you think he couldn't recognize you?" Kouen asked.

"You sealed away his memory and you're the one who's preventing it from coming back," I whispered as the realization came over me, "But why?"

Kouen twirled the dagger in his hand absentmindedly, "I guess I could tell you, after all it's only right that you know why you're here."

"Since when have you cared about the right thing?" I muttered.

"Did you say something?" Kouen asked.

"Nope, nothing, I'm just waiting for your explanation." I said without meeting his eyes.

"Uh-huh," Kouen said skeptically, "Well anyway I told you that Sinbad and I used to be friends right?"

"Yes, but right about now I'm finding that hard to believe." I grumbled.

He gave me a look but kept on going, "About one hundred and seventeen years ago Sinbad used to be an angel, but he quickly got sick of his goodie goodie life and he became a Fallen."

I looked at Tsuki, "You said he was a Psychic demon."

Tsuki shrugged, "I said it, you believed me. That's not my fault. Besides despite the common belief, Psychic demons can't teleport like Fallen demons can."

I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from snapping at him, after I calmed down I turned to Kouen, "You were saying?"

He continued to twirl Tsuki's dagger, "After he became a Fallen he caused mischief everywhere. As a demon who was quite a few hundred years older than him I decided to help him after seeing his potential. Sinbad was strong and different from the other demons in his category, in fact there was something about him that was just extraordinary."

'I'm sorry, but that just doesn't sound right.' I thought silently.

"I heard that," Kouen growled, "And no, I certainly do NOT like Sinbad in that way."

'Whoops I forgot he could read minds.'

He ignored my last thought and kept going, "Anyway I decided to offer him power in exchange for his cooperation. All he had to do was follow my orders when I gave them, but other than that he was free to do what he wished."

My stomach churned, "Was Sinbad really like that?"

Kouen grinned, "He sure was sweetheart, in fact you could almost say that he was as twisted as me."

I felt tears threaten to flood my eyes as I was learning the truth about Sinbad, but I forced them away. I was not going to cry anymore, and I am going to find out his whole story.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now