Chapter 25

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Sinbad nodded gratefully, "Thank you (Y/N)."

I smiled, "Of course."

Then Angel counted down, ""

Suddenly Sinbad's grip on my hand tightened tremendously and he grabbed his head in agony. His other hand began clawing at his mind uncontrollably, and I felt frantic as I tried to stop him.

"Sinbad! Sinbad snap out of it! If you don't stop you're going to hurt yourself!" I exclaimed.

His grip on my hand was now unbearable and I felt like it was being crushed by a metal weight. I winced as I tried not to cry out in pain, "Sinbad, please calm down. I'm here, I'm right here with you. It's going to be okay."

His breathing was irregular and he looked at me with glazed eyes as he rasped, "......(Y/N)?"

I smiled in relief, "Yes, it's me."

Despite his exhausted state he tackled me in a hug, "I am so sorry for everything (Y/N)!"

I gasped in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"I forgot about you, about what you meant to me, and I forgot that I loved you. I also couldn't protect you from Kouen, I let him kill you. I couldn't even protect you this time either. I was so useless, if it weren't for Tsuki you'd be dead." Sinbad said with a broken voice.

Then he looked at my fractured hand and held it gently, "This is my fault too, isn't it? I hurt you."

"Stop exaggerating, I'm fine. Besides it doesn't even hurt that much." I lied.

Sinbad caressed the bruises that were beginning to form, "I know you're lying (Y/N). You've never been good at keeping secrets, even when you were human."

I smiled weakly, "Okay, you got me. Maybe it hurts a little bit, but I'll live. This is nothing to be sorry about, okay?"

As Sinbad nodded reluctantly we heard Angel chuckle, "You two are both such worriers."

I smiled at her, "Of course, that's what makes us so compatible. So how are you feeling now that you're free Angel?"

"A lot better now that I have a physical body. Plus I can now actually hold Tsuki in my arms again, that alone is what makes everything so much better." Angel grinned as she looked down at her dozing lover with a tender expression on her face.

I felt happiness engulf my heart. Tsuki could now be with Angel again, and I could now be with Sinbad. This was an unbelievable dream come true, and now that I've had a taste of it I would never let it go.

I wrapped my arms around Sinbad and murmured, "Promise that you'll never leave me. Promise me that we'll stay by each other's sides forever."

He leaned in and kissed me gently, and his lips were so soft and soothing that I thought I imagined the kiss. When he pulled away he whispered to me with a husky voice, "I promise that I'll be with you forever. I'll stay by your side until then end of time, and I'll love you for all eternity. (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), you're stuck with me from now on and I'm never letting you go."

I smiled beyond happily, but just as I was about to respond my head throbbed. I clutched my head as the pain intensified.

Just then all the false memories of Kouen were flashing through my mind. I saw his smile, heard his laugh, and watched as he kissed me lovingly. Desperately I shook my head as Sinbad held me close to him in an attempt to help me, 'No! These aren't real! Kouen manipulated my memories! None of this is real!'

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now