Chapter 3

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*Your POV*

I glared at him and gestured for him to follow me, "I'd better get my necklace back."

His golden eyes flared when he looked at it again, "Why did your ex-lover give it to you?"

I bristled at his teasing, "What if he did?"

Sinbad scoffed, "Then you should just toss this piece of trash. He may have loved you before but he's probably forgotten all about you by now, after all you are dead."

My breath hitched and I felt tears burning in my eyes, "How dare you...."

I felt anger flood through my body as I turned around to slap him across the face, "Shut up! A stupid demon like you would never understand!"

Sinbad held his cheek in surprise, "Wow, I didn't expect a little angel like you to slap me."

I wiped my tears away furiously, "So you just expected me to smile cheerfully and accept all of the crap you're spitting out?!"

He looked at me questioningly, "It's the truth though."

"Well sometimes it's better to keep the truth to yourself. Besides, even if he has forgotten me I'll always watch over him, and make sure he's happy once I find him." I muttered.

"What kind of logic is that?" Sinbad scorned.

"My logic," I snapped, "Not that I'd expected you to understand."

Before Sinbad could respond I heard Tsuki call me, "(Y/N) is that you?"


"Who are you talking to?"

I walked out into the open with Sinbad and I watched Tsuki's eyes widen when he saw the demon beside me.

Sinbad smirked, "Hey there."

Tsuki's surprise turned into wariness as he turned to look at me, "(Y/N) I trust that you have an explanation to have brought him here."

I nodded, "Unfortunately I do."


"So that's what happened." Tsuki muttered as he sent Sinbad a glare, "Why do you need a place to stay anyway?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Sinbad said.

Tsuki rolled his eyes, "Fine, but only because (Y/N) wants her necklace back."

"Thank you Tsuki." I said guiltily.

His red eyes softened, "No worries (Y/N)."

"So where are you letting me stay?" Sinbad interrupted.

Tsuki pointed to the house we were living in, "Over there."

He looked in the direction Tsuki was pointing in, "Well is doesn't look half bad, I guess it'll do."

I grit my teeth at his picky attitude, 'The sooner he's gone the better.'

Instead of walking with the two men I opened my wings, "I'm going on ahead."

Noticing my irritation the two of them decided not to follow me.

'So Sinbad has some sense after all.' I thought darkly as I flew away.


When Tsuki and Sinbad made it to the house I was just starting to prepare dinner. Although when they walked in the both of them looked tense and annoyed.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now