Chapter 4

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*Your POV*

It's been several months since Sinbad came here and Tsuki and I have yet to discover why he's actually here, and why he has chosen not to leave yet.

'It's pretty suspicious.'

I shook my head, 'No, Sinbad is not suspicious.'

Over the past few months Sinbad and I have become close despite our occasional...quarrels. He actually has a fun personality now that I've peeled through his cactus facade, and I've even gotten used to the fact that he doesn't wear a shirt. He's also helping me look for people who could be my fiancé and he tries to ask me things that he thinks will jog my memory. I honestly couldn't be more thankful to him because he's helping me even though he doesn't agree with me wanting to seek my fiancé out. He believes that the past should be left in the past, but regardless he's still trying to help me.

'Although even if I am grateful I have a feeling that he's hiding something from me. I believe that he'll tell me in due time, but it still makes me suspicious of him.'

Then I shook my head harder in guilt, 'No! You can't think of Sinbad that way! If he wanted to hurt you then he would have done it already.'

Ever since that conversation with Tsuki I've just been on edge. I began picking at the jewel on my necklace which was a habit I started to pick up when I become stressed.

'Is this really how you repay his surprisingly kind help (Y/N)? By suspecting him of something he obviously didn't do?' I thought shamefully.

"No. It's time that I stop being so foolish. I trust Sinbad." I muttered aloud.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A familiar voice called.

'Speak of the devil.' I thought jokingly.

When Sinbad flew up to the branch I was in I greeted him, "Hey there Sin, were you looking for me?"

He tucked his wings in, "N-No. Why would you think that?"

I tilted my head, "I was only curious Sinbad, just relax."

Sinbad ignored my teasing, "What are you doing around here?"

As I opened my mouth to answer Sinbad interrupted me, "Let me guess, thinking about your fiancé?"

I blushed at his assumption, "No!"

Sinbad took my hand, "Yeah, yeah deny it all you want. Let's just get out of this place."

I looked around the forest, "What's wrong with being here?"

He shrugged, "Nothing really, it's just that you shouldn't be by yourself or else something could happen to you."

I chuckled.

"Hey! What's so funny?!" Sinbad exclaimed.

I smiled gently, "It just made me laugh that when we first met each other you would have killed me without batting an eye, but now you're actually concerned about my wellbeing."

Sinbad hastily let go of my hand, "It's only because your cooking is good."

My small smile turned into a cheerful grin as I reached out and grabbed his hand again, "You don't have to lie to me anymore Sinbad, I've already seen through your prickly act."

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now