Chapter 9

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*Your POV*


I jolted awake when I heard Tsuki's shocked voice, "H-Huh? What's going on?"

Tsuki was glaring at me, "Explain why Sinbad is tied up, naked, and laying on my couch with you! Now!"

"W-What," I looked down, "Argh!"

Sinbad was naked and sleeping on my lap with his hands STILL tied.

"W-What the heck?! I-I tied his hands, I-I made sure he wouldn't be able to do this again!" I sputtered, "Why?! How?! Argh!"

"This has happened before?!" Tsuki exclaimed, "(Y/N) explain now!"

I facepalmed in embarrassment, "I am so sorry Tsuki, I promise this isn't what it looks like."

He frowned, "I should hope so."

"I pinky promise," I chuckled, "But before I explain anything I'm waking him up."

Angrily I slapped him, "Hey! Wake up!"

His golden eyes snapped open as he fell off the couch, "Ow! What did you do that for (Y/N)?"

I untied him as he stood up and then I looked away, "Get dressed and then you're going to help me explain to Tsuki about your sleep stripping."

Sinbad grumbled as he went to pick up his clothes, "Okay, okay, hold on."

Tsuki glared at me and then him, "Sleep stripping? Is that seriously what you call this?"

I shrugged, "Isn't that what it is?"

"Yes, I guess so," Tsuki sighed, "So why did you let him sleep on your lap if you knew he was going to strip?"

I felt my cheeks redden, "I knew about it, but I tied him up using some random rope that I found laying around the house, so I didn't think he'd be able to take off his clothes. I had no idea that he would still be able to strip even though I tied his hands together."

Tsuki nodded and then looked at Sinbad suspiciously, "So you always do this?"

"Yup," Sinbad said, "Every time I've slept for as long as I can remember."

"Okay then," Tsuki said as he shook his head, "Now that we've cleared everything up it's time for dinner."

I looked at the time, "Have we really been sleeping for that long?!"

The red-eyed angel laughed, "All day actually."

My eyes bulged, "What?!"

Sinbad just looked at me nonchalantly, "Isn't that the reason you came back? So you could rest, and then go back to Kouen."

I heard his emphasis on the redhead's name and I smiled nervously, "Well yes, but..."

"But what?" Sinbad asked.

"I was hoping I could spend more time with the two of you before I left." I muttered.

"Wait, you're leaving now?!" Sinbad exclaimed.

"I was thinking about leaving after dinner." I muttered.

"But you haven't even been here for a full day!"

"I know, but I feel better now and I want to go and see Kouen again." I explained, "Plus like Tsuki said I slept for most of the day so I'm pretty well rested."

Sinbad looked angry, "You're going to wear yourself out if you go back now!"

"No I won't," I insisted, "I'm better now!"

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now