Chapter 15

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*Your POV*

I paced around my room restlessly as I picked at my necklace once again, 'Argh I can't get that demon off my mind! What did we do to get him to hate us so much?! Was it me, or Kouen, or was it both of us?'

I almost screamed in frustration, then as if sensing my anxiety Tsuki walked in, "Hey (Y/N), I've been listening to you march around your room for the past two hours. Why don't you go out and clear your head? Go visit Angel, or if you really must you can visit Sinbad."

My eyes snapped to the door, "O-Okay. I'll be back in a little bit then."

'I think I'll go see Angel, it'll be easier to talk about this kind of stuff with her anyway.'

I didn't even change out of my pajamas as I flew out of the house and made my way to Angel.


"Hello (Y/N)."

I tried to smile, "Hey Angel."

"What's bothering you (Y/N)? Normally your smiles are real." Her melodic voice said.

"I know," I sighed, "It's just that I've been worried about Sinbad, Kouen, and Tsuki, but then last night the demon I've been trying to hunt down spoke to me. Now my urge to find him has spiked up and I don't know what to do."

Angel's glass just ripped as if signaling to continue.

"He claims that he's doing all this for revenge, but I don't remember Kouen or I doing anything wrong to a demon. Besides we're only humans, how could we do anything to hurt a demon like him?" I asked.

"Maybe you wronged him while he was human." Angel suggested.

"You're right. I just have to try and think of any huge wrong that I did to a human." I muttered as I began pacing around.

After a while I admitted, "I'm not a perfect person, but I can't really think of anything abnormal that I did. I mean I've stolen pencils, and taken more mints when they say to only take one, but I think my worst is probably when I tripped that one prissy girl into the mud."

I could almost see Angel sweat drop, "Okay maybe it wasn't you then. Could it have been Kouen?"

"Maybe," I frowned, "I guess I should probably ask him next time I see him."

Angel's glass rippled in agreement, "Well anyway is there anything more pleasant that you want to talk about?"

I shrugged, "Not really..."

"Wait! Actually there is!" I exclaimed hastily.

"Oh really? So what has you all excited?" Angel wondered.

"Well honestly I kinda want to know more about you Angel." I admitted, "I want to know about who you are and why you can talk to me."

"Um okay, but I can't promise that I can answer everything." She said.

"Okay, that's fine with me." I said excitedly, "So for my first question: Can other Angel Mirrors talk to me like you?"

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now