Chapter 3

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Bella's POV

Monday came by quickly and before I knew it, I'm on my way to the café. I opened the door and started to work. I took orders here and there, tried to be focused on my job. But no. The memory is still fresh on my mind. The memory where my father chased me around the house with a whip on his hand, eventually trapping me.

Ever since that man at the park tried to hurt me, I've been getting flashbacks of what my father did to me

"Bella, would you mind if you get to close the café for tonight? We have someplace important to be." Lisa asked and I nodded.

"Thank you dear. The lock is in the backroom on the table. Make sure everything is stored properly." Lisa said as she was leaving with Sean.

It was soon already 12 am. I had stayed inside the café, alone, for an hour more, my thoughts running all over the place. I thought about the man who had choked me. Is it possible that my father had hired a man to look for me and kill me?

What am I thinking? Of course it is. He is a very powerful man after all. I can't let go of the fact that maybe that attack in the park was just the beginning. It was no coincidence that a day after I arrive, someone just attacked me. I realized I needed to get back to the hotel. Adam might be waiting for me and I wouldn't want him to worry.

He told me he would take care of the man that assaulted me. The question is, where is he now? What did Adam do to him? Is he still alive?

I shook off all the thoughts that had something to do with him and instead just locked this place up and headed back to the hotel. I guess I could ask Adam what happened. I didn't hail a cab nor booked an Uber. I needed to walk. Fresh air is what I truly needed to clear my mind.

As I was walking, I thought I heard something. I turned back and no one was there so I kept on going. I then heard a branch snap followed by a vicious growl. I didn't have time to look behind me as I started to run. I didn't know where I was going. I lost the path and went in deep into the forest on the side of the road.

I was now well aware that someone or something is chasing after me. Luck wasn't on my side that moment because I suddenly tripped on a branch. And there it was. A large wolf that was the size of a full grown horse.

With its eyes looking at me as if I was its prey. It snarled at me and I couldn't help but scream. I tried getting up but as soon as it knew what I was doing, it pinned me down to the ground with its paw on my throat. I hadn't noticed it has extended its claw until it was too late. It clawed my face across.

Then two more came behind him. Each one clawing my leg. At this point, I wasn't thinking about my safety at all. I was thinking about my mother and how we would be together soon if these creature were to succeed in what they are planning.

It was about to mangle me until I heard another growl. It didn't come from behind him, this time, it came from behind me. Four more wolves. I tensed up. I was about to turn into a feast for these wolves. But then the unthinkable happened. One of the wolves tackled the one above me to the other side of the forest. Then the wolves from behind me chase the other two that had managed to claw my leg deep.

I was left with a wolf that had a chestnut colored fur. At first I was afraid as it came near me. I was trying to scream but something inside me stopped me from doing so. I thought it was going to bite my face off but instead, it licked the claw marks on my face. It had suddenly dawned on me that those four wolves protected me. They probably killed their own for me. And that was a big question mark to me.

I felt dizzy. I looked at my legs and was surrounded by a pool of blood. My blood. Before I could react, darkness took over me.


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