Chapter 20

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Bella's POV

It was a good thing I could reach the floor of the pool or else I would probably drown and die. Not so long ago, Grayson had carried to the pool and dropped me and now, I'm giving him the silent treatment.

"Little Mate... I'm sorry." He said as he followed me around the pool.

"I could've died!" I know I'm exaggerating but come on! I didn't know how to swim and he just dropped me, ass first may I add, into the pool. I heard him chuckling and so did the other guys. I gave them the deadliest glare I have and they shut up.

"You're not. I'm not letting you die." He caught up to me and hugged me from behind. I tried to struggle out of his arms but he is just too strong.

"Let go."

"I'm not letting you go until you forgive me." He whispered in my ear.

"Fine! Fuck! You're forgiven!" He laughed and let go of me.

"We should really do something about that dirty mouth of yours." He said and I just stuck my tongue out at him. "I'd stick that tongue back in if I were you." He warned and I did so, my eyes wide.

My skin was getting all wrinkly from being in the pool too much so I decided it was time for me to dry myself and head back inside, Grayson behind me.

I noticed his shirt was still on me and I hated the feeling of wet shirt sticking to my skin so I removed it but was stopped when Grayson growled and pushed the hem of the shirt back down.

I narrowed my eyes at him but he just smirked, wrapped me in a towel and carried me inside the house. Once we were back in our room, he spoke.

"Why would you strip in front of the guys?" He asked. Oh...yeah, I forgot I had an audience.

"I forgot. Sorry. I hated the feeling of a wet shirt sticking to my body." I said as I finally removed the shirt.

"It's only 1 pm. What else would you like to do?" He asked as he grabbed his own towel and ruffled it on his hair.

"Hm... how about we order take out and spend the day here, watching movies." I suggested.

"Anything for you, little mate." He smiled. I changed in more comfortable clothes which were a pair of short shorts and Grayson's sweater that's probably 3x larger than me.

"I love seeing you in my clothes." He said and I agreed. I love his clothes. It's baggy and comfy and warm, but not too warm.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked.

"Sure. What for?" He said giving me his phone. I pressed my thumb against the fingerprint thing since he's rich and has iPhone 8 plus. I asked him why he hasn't gotten the latest iPhone yet and he said it sucks and it was too small for his hands.

"I'm ordering takeouts." I said but he stopped me.

"Well, first you have your own phone. Second, no need. I linked Zeke and asked him to get us Chinese. I hope that's okay?"

"Chinese is okay. I've never tried them. I hate my phone so I don't use it often. Actually, I don't even remember where it is." I shrugged. I feel really nosy today so I opened a shit ton of apps on his phone. He didn't have any social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

I opened his messages and saw he was texting with Alphas about the meeting tomorrow and also his family. Then I opened his photos and looked at it. He is one creepy son of a bitch and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He was putting on a pair of striped pajama pants but we did make eye contact.

"What?" He asks confused. I showed him the phone and he smirked.

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