Baby Sitting

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The kittens came over to my house, and so did Nixon "What did you get yourself into?" I looked at him annoyed "I'll pay you just please help me" he chuckled "Hey I have 4 siblings, I got some experience. And I'll help you either way" i rolled my eyes. He walked inside with the rest of the kittens leaving me and the mom outside "Alright so this is what you have to do" she gave me a list "Any questions?" I said "No I think we're good" she nodded "Alright I'll see you tonight" she was about to walk to her car when "Hey um, Good luck in your job interview!" she looked at me surprised "Um.. Thank you!" and she went to her car and left

I walked in and I saw all the kittens in one side of the room and Nixon on the other "Um... What's going on?" He looked over at me "They're scared of me" one of the kittens got mad "Now we're not! You mutt!" which seemed like one of the eldest "Hey that's not nice!" I responded. I looked closely, 4 of them seemed like middle schoolers, 2 boys and 2 girls. 4 others which were 3 girls and 1 boy, seemed a bit younger than the middle schoolers, I'm guessing primary school. One of those primary school kids was the boy that complimented me "Oh hey it's you, Joey right?" he smiled "Pretty remembered me!" I giggled. I heard Nixon grunt. Then their were 2 youngest ones, hopefully potty trained "Alright this is my home, you can do what you want just please no mess or breaking stuff" the same rude kitten spoke "Why would we listen to a half breed like you?" he grabbed a few plates and shattered them to the ground. I stared in disbelief.... What has their mother been saying to them? And now... Nixon knows what I am "... Clean up this mess..." Nixon said "Or I will tear you apart" he looked at them with a murderous look. All the young ones started to cry while the 4 oldest looked scared out of their minds "Nixon quit it! I'll clean it up" I walked over to Joey "Um Joey please calm your siblings down and lead them to the living room, it's right over there, can you do that?" He nodded "Y-yeah! Come on follow me guys" and they all went to the living room. I quickly grabbed a broom and started sweeping "Was that the big secret you told me about...?" I didn't bother facing him "Yeah..." I picked up the glass and threw it in the trash and put the broom back "You can go on and call me what you want, you can leave... I'm sorry..." I felt so low. He grabbed my chin, and got close to my face "Um..." he was giving me a kind smile. I was super confused "What breeds?" still confused I answered "Um... White wolf and bobcat" he chuckled "Makes sense why you have such a small tail" I blushed "YOU LOOK AT MY TAIL!? Don't look at it!!" He started laughing "You don't... Hate me..?" I asked quietly. He chuckled "No, not at all" I've never felt so relieved and so happy in my entire life. This sense of acceptance... "Thank you..." I walked up to him and hugged him "Yeah... Does that mean I can call you my twin?" I pushed him away annoyed "No, just help me with the kittens" and walked to the living room.

Everyone was sitting on the couches and floor "Alright obviously we got off the wrong claw... Um..." I sighed getting kinda nervous "For now everyone is not allowed in the kitchen because of obvious reasons" I took a glance at the middle schooler "Like I said no breaking stuff or making a mess, the bathroom is down the hall, and no one is allowed upstairs ok?" they nodded "Any questions?" someone tugged my shirt, it was Joey "I need help with my homework..." I smiled "Oh yeah sure i'll-" then suddenly the 3 other girls ran up to me "We need help too!" I was overwhelmed "Oh um sure, let me see your papers" I smiled.

I helped them, turns out they each struggled with simple math. So I taught them and they all understood so they were able to finish the rest on their own. Right after one of the middle school girls walked up to me "What year are you in?" she suddenly asked "Oh um, I'm a sophomore" she looked surprised "Really!? But your tail..." I blushed, does everyone stare at my tail!? "Yeah..." she shook her head "I wanted to ask because I need help with my science homework" I smile "Oh yeah sure" the boy who shattered the plates started yelling at her "Aubrey don't! She filthy!" that REALLY stung "Grow up Jason! What has she done to you!? And you know you need help on your homework too idiot!" they seemed like they were about to argue "Hey guys calm down." I got between them "Um... I need help too..." the other middle school girl asked, she seemed very shy "Yeah Um... Oh yeah, Nixon?" He walked out of the kitchen eating toast "Yeah?" what is he doing eating!? "Help these girls out on their homework while I talk with... Jason right?" Nixon grunted "Why? Couldn't you trust me enough for me to deal with him instead?" Nixon mischievously smiled while cracking his knuckles "No because you might do something I won't approve off, plus you're a Junior, you know more academically than I do" he rolled his eyes "Fine what subject?" I quickly answered "Science" he chuckled "That's easy, come to the kitchen girls" them 3 walked over

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