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"Obviously, I have some commitment issues"

"Glaring the obvious; go on" Johnny interrupted.

"As long as things keep going great between us, you will keep asking me to marry you, and eventually I'm going to end up saying yes and were going to be married forever and the whole thing just freaks me out" exclaimed Kaley, caught up in the moment between her and Johnny.

"Ok, I know I propose a lot so how bout this; I promise I will never ask you to marry me every again" Johnny said, raising his hand to his chest and staring into Kaley's gorgeous glistening eyes.

"What do you mean, are you breaking up with me?" Kaley blurted out worryingly.

The whole room was silent, all eyes on Kaley and Johnny as they continued the scene.

"No, no no no no if someday you decide you want to get married, you have to propose to me"

"Really?" Kaley surged a discussed look on her face.

"Yes, its all on you. But, I got to tell you, when the time comes I want the whole nine yards, I want you down on one knee, flowers, I want to be swept off my feet"

The crowd emensed in a joyful laughter and Kaley's smile grew wider across her face.

"Yeah, you go it" Kaley jokingly remarked as Johnny placed his hand on her leg.

"Look, I'm good with surprises, but nothing on the jumbo screen. I don't want to cry on a big screen like that"

The room filled with laughter, Kaley lent in for a kiss, placed her hand on Johnny's lap and moved closer.

"You know what? This may be the wine talking, but I have a very important question to ask you"

"You do?"

"Leonard Hofstader"

"Yes?" Johnny cringed his face, and awaited Kaley's reply.

"Will you be my valentine?"

The crowd, other cast and all the directors and writers 'awwed'

"Sorry, maybe next year" Johnny tapped her leg, pulled himself up from the couch and headed for the door. Kaley looked surprised, as if she didn't see this coming. They were both so immersed in the scene. It felt like it was a real relationship.

Maybe Kaley wanted that, maybe she wanted to be with him again. Not in secret. She never really stopped having feelings for him. Over the years, working day in. day out with the same man. In love scenes. Kissing and hugging. Most of the time, it felt so real..

"I'm just kidding. romance ninja; let's have sex"

The scene was ment to end their, no kiss. No hug. The camera's were meant to cut after that line.

They didn't.

It wasn't written in the script. Johnny moved closer, back towards the couch after pulling some fake karate manuver and kneeled down on the couch and forcefully kissed Kaley. The crowd applauded and the director and writer look at each other. Confused, but willing to continue as the crowd enjoyed the kiss at the end.

"Cut! 5 minute break, next scene Comic Book Store. Kunal and Kevin" Mark Cendowski yelled at the top of his lungs. Crew members ran around like headless chickens hurrying to set up the next scene.

Kaley left the stage, and went to her dressing room. Mayim and Melissa followed her. They knew something wasn't right. Kaley, Mayim and Melissa wasn't sure why Johnny kissed her at the end of the scene. It wasn't in the script.

"I just went along with it, I don't know why, but whenever I am in romantic scenes with Johnny, they just mesh. We bearly ever have to retake scenes. It just something and I dunno what it is".

Kaley started to become emotional, she leaned towards Mayim for comfort. Mayim hugged her, and Melissa rubbed her back. She sobbed into Mayim's shoulder.

"I don't want to go there again"

Forbidden Romance [The Big Bang Theory]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz