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-Dedicated to Nicole-

It was 7:00pm on the Saturday night after the big scene between Leonard and Penny. Johnny had invited Kaley to his house after they decided to rekindle their romantic relationship.

Kaley had spent somewhat 4 hours getting ready and still wasn't sure what to wear. She wasn't sure about how she felt about Johnny still. She knew that she loved him. And most importantly, that she never stopped loving him. She had to evaluate whether or not she wanted it to become public if their relationship became more serious. What it would do for her and Johnny's careers as co-stars and what it would for the show. How would the cast react. How would Chuck, Bill, Steve, Mark and Lee react. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to go and see Johnny tonight. Maybe she should cancel.

*Kaley's phone rings*

"Hello, Kaley speaking" she answered with a twitch of curiousity.

"Hey Kay, its Jim. Todd and I were going out for dinner with Mayim and we were just wondering if you would like to join us"

"I actually already have other plans sorry guys, I definitely will next time" she hung up the phone. How could she keep something so important as who she was dating a secret from her best friends.

She grabbed her purse and her car keys. Took one more glare at herself in the mirror then opened the door and headed for her car.

Shaking on the inside, she hopped in her and headed off to Johnny's house.

By this time, it was about 8:55, she flicked on her headlights as she barreled down the motorway.

When she pulled up at Johnny's house, she saw his kitchen light on and a faint shadow walking down the hallway. She was nervous, but excited.

How was she going to play this, confident and strong or quiet and playful?

She hoped out of the car and made her way up his driveway. Knocking on the door, she could see through the shiloute on the side of the wall.

*Knock Knock Knock*

He opened the door, he looked amazing. He was wearing a black suit, with a navy blue shirt under neath.

"Hello Beautiful, you look stunning" he grabbed my hand and welcomed me inside. He placed a warm kiss on my cheek.

His house was amazing, it was so big. He had framed pictures of his family on the wall, he had cast pictures on the wall too. The one from the 100th episode. Man, did I really look that fat? Johnny wasn't a very emotional person, not that he would admit anyways. Completely different to Leonard.

"Make yourself at home Kaleycakes" he said as he walked of into the kitchen. His home was filled with candles, the aroma that surrounded them, just make his house feel so magical. He came and sat down on his couch next to me.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight" he said as he kissed my cheek. He moved closer placing his hand around my neck. His colone smelt so amazing. I turned my head, he stopped kissing me. Confused. I sat for a short second. Thinking.

"Johnny, this is what happened last time. Everything started off so wonderful, then piece by piece it fell apart. Everyone found out and it just got so complicated. Im not sure if I am ready for that kind of heart br..."

He stopped me talking with a passionate kiss.

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