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One by one everyone slowly woked up. They were all crashed in swags and on lounges around Johnny and Kaleys house.

Johnny and Kaley had been up the majority of the night with Levi. All the doctors told them about the minimal sleep. He didnt seem to both anyone else as basically everyone from the party the evening before was either sleeping or passed out in their house somewhere. The kitchen was a mess, empty beer and spirt bottles everywhere, empty pizza boxes on the ground. What happened last night? Johnny curiously thought that over and over again.

He got up early. like he always does. To find Jim and Todd snuggled on their 2-seater lounge and Simon and Jocelyn on either of the two recliners. Johnny wondered around the house more, to find Kunal sleeping on Norman's inside dog pillow with Melissa and Winston, probabaly the only two with any common sense sleeping in one of two spare bedrooms. Chuck, Bill, Steve and the rest of the writing crew all headed home because even though the cast is on hiatus, the writers still had the job of preparing for next season.

Johnny continued walking around the house, cleaning up everything around so Kaley wouldnt be so angry. Johnny heard the faint cries and he started running down the hallway so Levi's screams wouldnt wake anyone else up.

He picked him up, straight away and lay Levi on his shoulder and patted his tiny back gently.

 Johnny gently nursed him back to sleep, he had a feeling, when he looked after Levi. It was just like butterflies, all through his stomach. It was a warm, gentle feeling. Johnny liked it. Its also how he felt when he spent time with Kaley. It was just such a special feeling.

Kaley must of heard the gentle cries of Levi, it must of been a motherly instinct. She hoped up out of bed to see Johnny, partiely asleep with Levi lying on his chest snuggled into his neck on the nursery recliner. 

Kaley pulled out her phone and took a photo. She decided to leave them, the way they were. Peacefully together. Kaley walked out to the kitchen and just gasped. She saw all the mess from last night. This made her angry. Hormones still filled her body, she couldnt control her angry. 

Kaley calmly returned to where her boyfriend and their newly born child laided. She gently picked up Levi off of Johnny. She put him back in his cot, and gently bent down and kissed his cheek. She sat next to him on the edge of the chair. As he slowly woke up, Kaley wispered in his ear.

"Now, im not going to get angry, because there are people here and Levi is asleep. But if you dont get up, get everyone out, and help me clean up this mess. I will get very angry, very quickly!" 

Kaley threatened Johnny. His face went blank as he hoped up. Everyone who was asleep in the were waking up by now. Jim was up making a cup of tea, Melissa and Winston had left early and Simon and Jocelyn were still fast asleep on the recliners. 


"Look Johnny, you need to grow up!"

"Grow up? How about you just learn to admit your mistakes and dont blame them on me! I've been here for everything you ever wanted and never got a thanks! Im sick of you using me!" Johnny yelled back in Kaley's face!

"Maybe if you didnt knock me up, we wouldnt have to be together! Look, i need to get some air" Kaley screamed as she left, slamming the door behind her. 

Levi started to cry, from all the noise. Johnny picked him up, and went and sat on the couch in the lounge room. He had a faint tear drop down his face. 

"I love you little buddy"

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