Big Day - Part 1

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Todd rolled over and kissed Jim's lips. He laid still, half asleep with his eyes closed. When Todd's lips connected with his, a slight smile grew on his face.

"Are you excited?" Todd asked.

"You mean am I excited to marry the man of my dreams, around the people I love, and spend the rest of my life with him?"

Todd nodded.

"Nah" Jim joked, as he kissed Todd's cheek.

Jim got out of the bed, and pulled up a pair of cargo shorts.

"What's our plans for today, I thought Kaley was just organizing everything haha" Jim asked Todd as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I've got a few things planned, but first Mayim is stealing you for a few hours while I get ready, you know what they say, its bad luck to see the groom before the wedding" Todd chuckled as he hopped out of bed and fell into Jim's arms. Hugging him tightly.

"I love you"


"Ok, first things first. You need to get Jim out of here, so I'll give Mayim a call. Have you got on to Johnny yet?" Kaley asked Todd.

"I'll give him another call now." Todd pulled out his phone where he walked down the hallway, quickly poping his head in Levi's room to make sure he was still sound asleep.

"Hello" Johnny said, from the other end of the telephone.

"Hey Johnny. Will you be coming over this afternoon"

"I wouldn't miss it mate, you two both mean so much to me. Is Kaley still with you guys? I don't think she wants to see me though" he said, disheartened.

"Are you kidding me, she hasn't stopped talking about you since she got here. She missed you, but is too proud to say it, you know what she's like"

Todd tried being supportive.

"Thanks bud, I'll be over this afternoon.. Do me a favor, dont tell Kaley im coming, I want it to be a surprise." Johnny ended the phone call and Todd removed the phone from his ear, hanging up.

Todd walked back into the kitchen, but as he walked past the bathroom, he saw Jim walk out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist, and his pale white skin glistining in the bathroom light. Todd stopped and admire his husband-to-be.

"Morning sexual" Todd said, flabbergasted.

"Hey" Jim said, kissing Todd's check and walking past him into their bedroom.

Todd walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen to see Kaley sitting on the couch with a bottle feeding Levi.

"Not sure if Johnny's coming or not, Sorry Kaleycak..." Just before Todd could finished they heard a knock at the door.

"I got it!" Jim yelled from the bedroom as he came running down still trying to pull a striped t-shirt over his head.

Todd just watched him. He pulled the door open, it was Mayim. He gave her a huge hug.

"Morning guys" Mayim said, releasing herself from Jim's grasp and walking in the door.

"Hey Todd" Mayim said as she gave Todd a big hug and kissed his cheek.

Todd smiled.

Mayim walked over.

"Grab your bags, lets go." Mayim said, grabbing Jim's hand and pulling him out the door.

"Have a great day, i'll see you this afternoon. I love you!" Todd yelled at Jim as he was pulled out the door.

"I love you too!" Jim poked his head back in the door for a second.

Forbidden Romance [The Big Bang Theory]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ