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The specialist coughed.

It had been 15 minutes of looking for a heartbeat. Kaley was in full tears.

It was dead silent in the room, Johnny's eyes were glued to the monitor. 

"Got it" said the doctor and he turned up the volume on the projection screen.

Kaley and Johnny were both relieved, they could see their little miracle on the screen moving around in Kaley's belly.

"Thank you so much Deegan, you've been a hero" Johnny said leaning for to shake Dr.Deegans hand.

"Your welcome, did you want to know the sex of the baby?" he asked

"No, we have decided we would want it to be a surprise. 


After the doctors appointment, Johnny took Kaley home to his house to look after her. She was unwell. Johnny, being a good boyfriend, cooked Kaley Nachos, like he always does. 

Johnny grabbed the dvd from the screening today and put it on the tv. Kaley sat on the couch in his arms as they watched the miracle of their little child on the screen. He turned up the volume to hear the faint heartbeat. It was so beautiful, but so quiet. So memsrising. 

"Move in with me" Johnny blurted out in the moment, distracted by Kaleys beauty.

"What? she replied with a small smile forming on her face.

Johnny quickly rethought about what he just said, whether or not he mean't to say it.

"Move in with me" he repeated.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Kaley

Johnny had a slight moment where thousands of ideas were running through his head, everything.

"Yes" he replied nervously.

"Only if you're sure?" Kaley was still confused about how out of the blue his request seemed.

"Of course i'm sure, whats their to be sure about. I obviously love you, you're the women of my dreams and now i'd get to spend every minute with you and our baby. I couldnt imagine a better situation" Johnny blabbered romanticly. He leaned over and kissed Kaley's forehead. He was memsrised by Kaley's beauty. Astounded. 

After watching the US sound for about a half and hour, Johnny flicked over to normal television where reruns of The Big Bang Theory were playing. The new season didnt come to air until next Thursday night. 

Johnny sat, with Kaley in his arms, watching the episode of Season 7 where they have the scavenger hunt. He laughed to himself. 

"Man, that was one episode which was fun to film" he said to Kaley not realising she had fell asleep in his arms. 

He picked her up, she woke up and just smiled. He placed a cheeky kiss on her lips. Her smile just widened.  

She launched forward and made out with him, he walked forward still carrying Kaley as she kissed his neck. He headed to the bedroom and they sat on the bed and made out. Johnny got up and walked into the bathroom for like a minute. He took off his shirt.

He came back in, and Kaley was asleep on the bed.

He pulled the sheets back on the bed, and rolled her into, under the covers. 

"Lucky I love you" he said sweetly. 

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