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"Ok Miss Cuoco, this jelly may be a bit cold. First we will try and see for a heartbeat" said the doctor placing cold liquid jelly on Kaleys pregnant belly.

Kaley shivered.

Johnny held her hand tightly, they were both nervous.

The doctor coughed.

"I'm just having a bit of trouble finding the heartbeat at the moment"

"What does that mean?" Johnny asked. Kaley started to get choked up.

"This is very common at the 3 month area, it either means the babys gone still, or that its just on its back. 99% of the time, the baby is just playing hard to get, no need to worry. I'll just go get one of the radiographers" said the doctor leaving the room in a hurry.

"Well theres still that 1%" Kaley got very worked up about maybe losing the baby.

Johnny lent into the bed and gave her a long and meaningful hug followed by a gently kiss on her forehead.

"It will be ok" he wispered into her ear as he grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

They waited for about 15 minutes for the doctor to return. They both started to get very worried.

Johnnys phone started to ring, it was his mother. She was the only one of his family who knew about Kaley's pregnancy.

"How'd the scan go?" she asked.

"We are still at the hospital, they cant find a heartbeat."

Her heart dropped inside.

"You know, that happened to you, we thought you had gone still o but you were just on your back. Dont worry, it will be ok" Johnny's mum said trying to reassure him.

"Have you thought of any names?" asked Johnnys mother trying to change the topic.

"Well we were thinking if its a little girl, we were going to go Jozee and if its a boy, then Levi. What do you think Mum?"

"I personally like Levi, your great uncles name was Levi" she stated.

"I better go mum, ill go back into Kaley. Love you" said Johnny saying goodbye.

"Ok, best wishes darlin. Keep me updated, everything will be fine. Love you"

Johnny hung up the phone and returned to the hospital bed where his girlfriend lay.

"Mum gives you best wishes and she said that the little rascel is just lying on his back. It happened to me, she said"

A tear rolled down Kaley's face.

"Johnny, i cant loose this baby. I dont know what I will do if we do, i mean.." she started to blabber on about it and working herself up.

"Baby, its ok. Its our kid, everything will be fine." he said trying to calm her down even thought he was a little worried also.

A different lady returned to their room.

"Sorry for the wait, we are just getting a specialist in. Wont be much longer" she said, obviously trying to stall. Something wasnt right.

A man walked in a green uniform.

"How are you two? Big fans" he said bowing his head to the couple.

"We are great, a bit worried, but great" Johnny said, hoping to reasure Kaley.

"Let's find this heartbeat" he said applying lots of jelly to Kaleys belly.

Forbidden Romance [The Big Bang Theory]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin