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Kaley laid in Johnny's lap, on the grass across the road from the studio lot.

There was security everywhere around the lot so this was a safe and secure place for the cast to hang out, with minimal chances of paparazzi raids and at the moment, with the media going crazy over Kaley's baby. Finding places without the paparazzi stalking was a hard task.

Winston and Neha had left by now and now the cast just sat in a circle together enjoying the peace before they entered the studio to film the next episode in front of the live audience.

"So what ended up happening at the hospital? You said that there were some complications?" ask Melissa who was sitting next to Simon. Simon was completely oblivious to all the conversations as he carefully studied tonight script.

"It wasn't anything big, they were just worried at premature labor given Kaleys family history. The baby isn't due until we finish the final episode anyways, so hopefully we will get the season done before d-day" Johnny answered as Kaley was on her Instagram.

"Well its the second-last episode of the season tonight, so Kaley should be ok. How much time did they give you?" asked Mayim joining the conversation.

"She's still only 36 weeks, they were minimal, but doctors said there were chances of a premmie so we just had to be careful - that's all" said Johnny once again rubbing Kaley's belly.

"Its our 1 year anniversary tommorow, I have something special planned" Johnny said sweetly kissing Kaley's forehead.

Kaley just sat there and smiled.

"Come on guys, its mine and Todd's 12 year anniversary in 1 month and a half" said Jim acting all proud.

"And you still aren't married, pick up your game Parsons" Johnny teased as Todd just stared at Jim in awe.


After the filming of the second last episode of the season, all the cast hung back at the studio for a few hours to have a quick table read for the final episode. As Kaley could be due any day, they had to work around her schedule. The plan was to end the season with her possible going into labor and then start the next season with her already with the baby. Chuck and Bill and the other writers had spent many hours at the studio trying to work out how they were going to play the whole "pregnancy scenes."

"What's it like between you two, you's are on the news nearly every night" asked Chuck towards Kaley and Johnny

"Its hard" Kaley said.

"The paparazzi and media are everywhere. They will figure it out soon. Kaley and I just have to stick together" Johnny said sweetly grabbing her hand.

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