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Kaley and Johnny went back to their hotel that afternoon, Levi went to sleep really early, and slept all through the night.

Kaley and Johnny sat on their balcony of the hotel, about 38 storeys high.

"This is beautiful" Kaley said, putting her hand on Johnny's.

"You are beautiful" Johnny replied, starring at Kaley.

Kaley stood up and grabbed Johnny's hand. She pulled him up to his feet, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She laid her head on his shoulder.

"I've never been happier"


The sun rose and blarred through the curtains. Johnny lifted Kaley's arm off his chest, and hoped out of bed. He pulled his cargo shorts up, and checked Levi in his portable cot next to their bed. He walked out into the kitchen, and started to cook breakfast for Kaley. She still slept silently.

Johnny put 2 eggs, and a few pieces of bacon on a plate and took them into Kaley.

"Morning baby girl"

Kaley rolled over and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Are you ready for a big day?" Johnny said placing the breakfast down next to Kaley. She sat up, putting the pillows up behind her back.

"What are we doing today?" Kaley asked, kissing Johnny's cheek.

"I have lots planned. A babysitter for Levi, and one hell of a romantic day for us."

"Im going for a shower" Kaley said after finishing her breakfast

After Kaley went into the bathroom, Johnny pulled out his suit and shoved it into a duffle bag. He pulled out a note, and put it on their bed, with a black piece of fabric next to it. He picked Levi up, and grabbed his Thomas backpack. He pulled a beautiful red dress out of the bottom of his suitcase, and hung it up in Kaley's cupboard. The note that he left said.

"Dear Kaley,

today is a wonderful day, and im going to make this day as perfect as it can be for you. I've taken Levi to my cousins, who's going to babysit him. There will be a limo out the front waiting for you. Notice the blindfold, put that on before you get out of the limo. I will meet you where the limo stops. There is a beautiful red dress in your closet, hope you like it, and i'll see you very soon.

Love Johnny"

Johnny grabbed all his stuff, including his son and quietly sneaked out the door. He got into the elevator, and pulled out his phone.

'Tom, its Johnny. Still right for you guys to look after Levi? Yes. Sure. Ok. See you soon.'

He hung up the phone, and walked out side and hopped in the rental car.

Tom's house was about a half hour out of the city. Tom and Johnny had been close for years. They used to hang out almost everyday, until Tom had to move to Australia with the company he was working for.

After the long drive, stuck in morning traffic, Johnny arrived at his cousins house. He grabbed Levi's stuff, and picked him up.

He rang the doorbell.

"Hey! Nice to see you again man" Tom said opening the door.

"How's things? Johnny asked, walking inside.

"Can't complain. Johnny I'd like you to meet my wife Leanne, and two kids, Oliver and Kailyn."

Oliver and Kailyn were Tom and Leanne's twins. They were about 20 months old, about the same as Levi.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go. You have my mobile if there's any problems. I appreciate this!" Johnny said shaking Tom's hand and kissing Leanne's cheek.

He bent down to Levi.

"I'll be back soon little man, Daddy loves you!"

Johnny said goodbye to Levi, and ran out the door. Johnny had 4 missed calls from Kaley. She obviously read the note.

He texted her back so she wouldn't worry.

'Just do what the note says, I love you.'

Johnny headed back into the center of Sydney. The traffic was slowing down, so it was easier to navigate his way around. He drove across the Sydney Harbor Bridge to an ammusment park called Luna Park.

He went up three sets of stairs to the headquarters of the park.

"Hi, i had a meeting with the recreational manager of the park, can you let him know I'm here?"

"Sure, just take a seat sir. What was your name?"


"Won't be a moment"

Not long after, a man in a suit walked out.

"This way Mr Galecki"

Johnny stood up and followed the man into a conference room.

"All of your plans still right to go ahead. The park is ready, we will have security at all enterences, and the marina will be supervised and locked. I hope this girl is worth all the trouble you are going to, and I believe she is very lucky. Enjoy your night."

"She is, she means everything to me. She's my world and deserves all the happiness in the universe." Johnny said, shaking the mans hand, and walking out.

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