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"Has anyone seen Johnny and Kaley?" yelled Chuck above the crowd.

"They went backstage, ill go find them" said Jim.

By this stage, Jim also had a slight idea about what was going on between Kaley and Johnny.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Kaley, Johnny, You in there" Jim yelled

 "Yeah, come in" they quickly seperated.

"Guys, everyone was looking for you, is something going on?" asked Jim curiously.

"No" Kaley replied quickly and nervously.

"You two are dating again hey" Jim took a stab in the dark - guessing about what could be going on. He had a fair idea because of how they had been acting.

"How'd you find out" Johnny said, annoyed that he had found out.

"You just told me you silly duffer"

Jim burst in to laugher. Kaley and Johnny just sat on the couch, embarressed.

"Don't worry, i wont tell anyone. Mayim is already working it out, she kept texting me about it. She doesn't have a pHD for nothing"



They were all out at the party socializing again. It was 11:28pm and the party was starting to die down.

"Im going to head home guys, i'll see you all at the party at my house Saturday night" Johnny said waving as he walked out the door.

Kaley received a text.

"Hey baby, wait a little while, then leave. Meet me at my house in half and hour xx"

She returned to socializing for another 1/2 hour.

"I'm gonna hit the hay everyone, I'll see you at Johnny's on Saturday" Kaley yelled, hoping no one would be suspicious.

"We'll leave too" said Jim.

Jim, Todd and Kaley walked out to the parking lot.

"I'll see you at the car in a sec, just need to talk to Kaley for a second" Jim said to Todd letting go of his hand.

"So with this whole Johnny thing, where's it going. I'm just trying to look out for you Kaley"

"We are just taking things slow. Spent a few nights together, but yeah. We just don't want anyone else to find out, because that's what happened last time" she said reminiscing on her previous relationship with Johnny.

"Does he know about what happened between you and..."

Kaley stopped him before he could finish the sentence. He was the only one she told about that. She just wished she could forget about it and hope it didn't come up on Saturday.

"Will you be at his place tonight?" questioned Jim.

"Yes, he just asked me to come over then"

"You two kids use protection" said Jim hugging Kaley and turning away to meet Todd at the car.

"Same with you two!" Kaley joked and turned towards her car.



After about 30 minutes in the car, she arrived at Johnny's house. It was near midnight by this time.

She walked up his path and knocked on the wooden door. He opened the door, with a welcoming hug.

"I've missed you, its hard spending so much time with you and now being about to show how I feel about you"

"How much I just want to hold you" he planted a kiss on her left cheek.

"How much I just want to kiss you" he planted another kiss on her right cheek

"And most importantly how much I love you" he gave her a long, but passionate French kiss.

"I love you Johnny and I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."

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