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It had been a day and a half since Kaley had Levi. He was getting on nicely and it was almost time for her to be discharged.

And yes, the media still hovered around the outside of the hospital waiting for Johnny and Kaley to exit.

Kaley was up and walking around packing up all her congratulations gifts and flowers. She shoved all her dirty clothes in a bag as Johnny held Levi.

"So what's the plan when we leave here baby? Are we going to make a comment to the press?" ask Johnny.

"We you know they will keep pestering us until we give them what they want. Why don't you just explain and hopefully they will leave us alone?" Kaley stated.

"Hopefully" Johnny replied.


Johnny and Kaley were all packed up and ready to leave the hospital. They both pulled their sunglasses off there head and placed them over their eyes. They strided down the corridor towards the sliding doors at the main entrance. Kaley signed a discharge slip and headed out. The several paparazzi men with cameras outside of the hospital immediately noticed them. They all grabbed their cameras and swammed then.

Many questions were thrown at them - "is Johnny the father", "boy or girl", "what's the kids name?"

Kaley walked towards one of the men holding a microphone and spoke into it.

"Hi. Yes, Johnny Galecki is the father of my baby. We have been in a relationship for the past year. We just had a baby boy, named Levi. We would appreciate it if you left us alone now, thank you" Kaley said into the microphone then turned away and followed Johnny to the car.

Kaley grabbed Johnny's free hand as he pushed Levi in a pram with the other. They both hopped in the car and went back to their house.

When they got there, they entered to find all of their friends and family gathered in their living room with 'Congratulations' signs up. As they entered, everyone cheered.

They were congratulated by all their friends and family. As the crowd settled down, Jim and Todd both walked out of the kitchen carrying a cake slab, with writing on it congratulation the couple on the birth of their new son.

"I'd just like to make a toast to two of my best friends on the birth of their new beautiful child!" Jim said raising his glass in the air.

"Here Here" everyone chanted.


The night continued on, everyone partied. But quietly. There was a new born baby in the house. Kaley still wasnt allowedto drink for another few days, but still enjoyed the company of everyone together.

Johnny sat on the couch in te lounge room with Levi on his lap, suckling on a bottle. Johnny, Jim, Simon, Todd, Winston and Kunal al chilled out on the adjacent reclining chairs around the lounge room with the TV turned onto a basketball game between the Houston Rockets and the LA Lakers. Games like these made Jim very confused. Who did he back? His home town or his current town.

"Go the Rockets" Jim quietly yelled as the rockets placed another basket. Jim then realised how loud he was, and immediatly appolagised to Johnny.

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