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It was almost midnight, and Kaley hadn't been home since her fight with Johnny this morning. She hoped that he had been looking after Levi - she had faith in him. Kaley knew she was in the wrong, thats why she was so scared to return. Johnny had been so faithful to Kaley throughout this hard period of time. He had been there for Kaley, every step of the way and she loved him for that. 

She had to appolagise, but didnt know how to do it. Kaley was confused about everything.

Kaley dialed Jim's number. 

"Hello?" Kaley asked.

"Yeah hunny, how are you?" Jim replied sweetly like he always did.

"Not good, been talking to Johnny?"

"Yep Yep, why dont you come round and we can talk about it." Jim offered.

Kaley smiled, she was just so pleased to have such wonderful friends like Jim, Todd and all the cast. Hiatus wasnt over for abother two and a half months. Kaley and Johnny were still making headlines of newspapers and big reports on the tv about Levi and their relationship. But at this stage, Kaley didnt even care about that. All she wanted was Johnny. She missed him.


Kaley droved her car up Jim and Todds driveway and hoped up and made her way up their footpath towards the front door. 

Todd greeted her at the front door and Kaley bent down to say hello to Rufus and Otis. Todd welcomed her. He kissed her cheek and pulled her into a warm hug.

"It will be alright, Johnny loves you with all his heart" Todd wispered into her ear. 

Jim walked to the front door in boxer shorts and a hoodie. Kaley just fell into his arms.

"I miss him" she mumbled into Jim's shoulder sobbing.

"I know you do, why don't we go round and see him?" Kaley didn't reply, just indicated with a faint nod.

"Everything will be alright" Todd offered as he rubbed her back.


Jim drove Kaley's car to Johnny's house, while Todd followed in his car. Even Jim knew that Kaley and Johnny were both hurting - they both loved each other so much, and the pressure from the media and just everything was getting under their skin.

Kaley hoped out of the car, shook her shoulders and put on a brave face as she stared towards their house. The kitchen and bedroom lights were on, meaning he was awake.

"Did you want us to come in with you?" Jim asked jumping in the passenger seat next to Todd as he changed cars.

Kaley shook her head, indicating 'no' as she took a few steps closer to the house.

She stopped again, turned around and waved Jim and Todd off.

She lugged herself up towards the door and opened it. She found Johnny asleep, in front of the TV, with Levi on his shoulder.

The whole house had been cleaned - it was spotless.

The vacuum cleaner stood unright against the counter and all the rubbish had been cleaned up.

Kaley quietly closed the front door behind her, as she sat down next to Johnny and Levi.

She just admired them both, she all of a sudden remembered how lucky she was. To have a family as special as Levi and Johnny.

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