Real World

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After another magical night together, they woke up in Kaley's apartment. Arm in arm.

"Johnny" she said as she shook him awake.

"Yes baby" he replied ever so sweetly.

"I think Mayim knows what's going on.. she keeps texting me asking how I am and what I did last night" she said worryingly.

"Last night, you did me" Johnny joked as he wrapped his arms tightly around Kaley and pulled her closer to his chest.

"Twice" Kaley added snuggling into his chest

This feels so right, just being with him.

"I wonder if Leonard and Penny are going to be dating today" Johnny laughed as he kissed Kaley's forehead and hopped up out of bed.

He was so tanned. His body was so good.

"Hey baby, what time did we have to be on set today?"

"11:30, why's that"

"So we have 2 hours.."

Kaley made her way out of the bed, and walked towards the shower. On the way, she grabbed Johnny's hand.

"We're saving the planet, one showed at a time" Kaley said cheekly, dropping her robe and closing the door.



After their shower, they realized that it was time to face the real world. They needed to keep this a secret from the media for as long as possible for the sake of both of their careers. This meant arriving at the set in different cars, no display of public affection, just not doing everything they would in a normal relationship. It was hard for Kaley. And Johnny as well. The one thing they had going for them, was being Lenny. Being able to have make out scenes, where no-one was going to suspect they were dating. This did make things easier on both of them.

"How about we do something tonight? With everyone, you know. So no-one gets suspicious" Kaley said as she brought Bacon and Eggs out on a tray and placed them on Johnny's lap.

"I dunno if I'll be able to keep my hands off you" he said jokingly kissing her cheek.

"C'mon, we will invite Jim, Todd, Simon, Mayim and Melissa. It will be a great night"

"Where should we go" he said curiously, obviously agreeing to the idea.

"How about that cute little Indian restaurant on the corner of Robles. Or we can just grab some take out and go down to the harbour?" Kaley suggested these ideas and Johnny nodded his head in agreement.

It was 11:00 and we have to be on set for a photoshoot at 11:30. She grabbed my jacket, and kissed Johnny goodbye.

"I'll see you at the studio" Kaley said waving goodbye to her boyfriend. He wanted to carpool with her, but she was really worried about what the cast would think if they turned up in the same car. Would they get suspicious. Their was so many thoughts going through her head as she drove at a constast pace of 90km/h down the LA way.

After about 15 minutes, sitting in the traffic she turned off and entered the Warner Brothers lot.

"Where's your ticket" said the security guard as Kaley winded down her window.

"I'm Kaley Cuoco" she said sweetly, hoping she wouldn't have to produce her ticket.

"I'm Dan Gray, where's your ticket" he repeated in an annoyed tone.

She dug to the bottom of her bag, trying to find her lot ticket. She pulled it out, and showed the security guard.

She removed her sunglasses.

"Oh Penny. I'm so sorry" said the security guard, realizing who she was.

"Its Kaley" she said speeding off.

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