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Jim and Todd sat on their couch, Todd lying his head on Jim's chest. Otis and Rufus curled up at their feet.

Jim received a text from Kaley.

"Johnny dumped me, its over" Kaley texted followed by multiple sad faces.

"I'm going to go and pick her up, she shouldn't be alone at a time like this" Todd said raising his head from Jim's chest and placing a leash on Rufus and Otis.

Reaching Kaley's house, Todd entered, finding her curled up on her lounge with a block of chocolate, box of tissues and the movie "The Notebook" on TV

She was in tears, Todd didn't know how to support her, so he just sat next to her and hugged her.

"Come home with me, Jim and I will make you some dinner and we can have a sleep over" Todd sweetly offered giving her a kiss on her cheek.


While Todd went to pick up Kaley, Jim thought he would drop in at Johnny's to see how he was doing..

"Johnny?" yelled Jim out the front of his house.

Johnny answered the door, he had been drinking. He was wearing a robe and holding a longneck in his hand.

"What's crack-a-lacking Jimbo?" questioned Johnny slurrping his drink.

"Look mate, you seriously need to wake-up to yourself. Kaley is so confused. You really hurt her" Jim told Johnny even though he was to drunk to comprehend.

"Did she tell you what she told me before she left the other day... she said 'Don't all kids deserve a father'.. Jim, does that mean she's pregnant?"

Johnny broke down in tears.

"I'll go and talk to her, give me that" Jim said taking Johnny's drink and tipping it down the sink.


Jim texted Todd..

"Don't freak out, but I think Kaley's pregnant with Johnny's baby, meet ya at the house in 10 xx"

All three of them, sat at Jim and Todd's house and ate a baked dinner cooked by Todd. Kaley looked terrible, all her eyes were swollen from crying and she was so unsure of everything. She sat on Jim's favorite recliner chair watching Conan in TV.

Jim, taking a stab in the dark decided to ask.

"So Kaley, what actually happened between you and Johnny the other day?"

"He said I had 5 minutes to explain or we were done. I tried to explain, but then he told me to get out.." she said sniffling.

"That it?" butted in Todd.

At this point, Jim and Todd both thought she was pregnant because of what Johnny had told them.

"Kaley, are you pregnant?" Jim blurted out, hoping he wouldn't offend her.

Kaley started to cry, she put her head into Todd shoulder and mumbled.

"I checked last night, with a pregnancy test, and it... it said yes... and now I don't know what to do because Johnny hates me and I'm all alone and I'm going to have to raise this baby all by myself" Kaley was balling. Todd comforted her by rubbing her back and holding her.

"I'll talk to Johnny, he will come around. Trust me, I know what he's like!" said Jim trying to comfort Kaley in her time of need.

"Give Jim a few hours, we will stay here and watch some chick flicks, and Jim will go and find Johnny and talk to him" Todd winked at Jim and kissed his cheek as he walked outside.

"What to watch?" Todd asked Kaley.

"The Lucky One?" questioned Kaley.

"One of my faces" replied Todd.


Jim managed to find Johnny, where he thought he would be. On set. In Penny's apartment.

"How did I know you were going to be here" said Jim walking through the lot towards Penny's apartment.

"I feel safe here" Johnny replied.

He had been crying, and anyone that knows Johnny Galecki, knows that he doesn't cry very often.

"What's up young chap" Jim sat down next to him and tried to comfort Johnny.

"I don't know what to do, I want to be apart of my kids life, I want to be their for Kaley. But she slep..."

"Look buddy, it was ages ago. You really have to forget about it, she said she was sorry and it was like 3 years ago. C'mon Johnny. She needs you and I want my Todd back" Jim said as he pouted trying to make him feel bad.

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