Wild Heart

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It was the joy of another day on set with all the cast. A few of them got a little bit messy at Kaley and Johnny's party last night - no one was as bad as Todd though.

They all had videos of him on their phones running around shirtless like a crazy bastard.

That was sure to be a topic of intrest at todays rehersal. Tonight was the live taping where all the audience came to the set and they did a full run through with the audience.

In todays episode, it was where Kaley reveals to the cast that she was pregnant. They had a filming break the past month as her belly had developed. She wasnt overly big in the belly but it was enough to be noticeable.

They all turned up to the set an hour early like they did everyday. Simon entered with his coffee at the same time and with the same mug as always. Jim and Johnny entered the lot both carrying their scripts engaged in a converasation about last night and espically about Todd.

"Kaley told me that when you two got back from your walk he was standing confused in tight little white briefs" Johhny said and then burst into laughter.

Chuck walked past.

"I dont even want to imagine that" he said contributing to the conversation he overheard between Jim and Johnny. 

Jim chuckled at Chucks remark as he continued walking towards the main set.

"Morning everyone" Jim yelled noticing that all the cast was already on set.

"Hi Jim" many contious voiced replied back.

"How's Todd" Mayim asked, she was also quite drunk lastnight and she obviously had a hangover aswell. You could see it in the way she was acting. She wasnt her normal self.

Kaley turned up on set a little later than the others in a seperate car.

"Sorry, i ran into Conan on the way in. I didnt actually run into him, like with my car, i just got caught in a conversation" she laughed knowing that everyone knew she was a bad driver.

The whole cast assembled around a table in the main area including the main three writers - Chuck, Bill and Steve.

"How is everyone today" asked Chuck Lorre making conversation.

Everyone seperatly replied, Jim and Johnny just nodded in sync.

"How's Todd?" questioned Bill Prady having seen a video he was emailed last night.

Eric Kaplin entered later on that meeting with the paper.

"Kaley, Johnny, have you seen the headline on the paper today?" he asked.

Johnny replied with a worry as he hoped up to see the paper Eric was holding.

"Aw man" he said with a sad tone as he read the headline.

"Penny and Leonard, real life romance?"

Kaley stood up and just sighed. Johnny read the story aloud.

"This picture was snapped of the two Big Bang Theory stars out the front of a small vegan resturant in California last night"

The picture was of Johnny kissing Kaleys cheek and holding her hand surrounded by Jim and Melissa.

Johnny continued reading.

"It is suspected that the couple may be together and that Johnny Galecki is infact the father of co-stars Kaley Cuoco's baby. Nothing has been confirmed but they look quite cosy with one another. They were also seen down Hollywood Ave together holding hands 2 days ago accompanied by Jim Parsons and what is suspected to be Todd Spiewak. Jim's 10 year partner. We will keep you updated on this as we are informed."

Johnny slammed the newspaper against the table. 

"You can't get away from these faggots" he yelled.

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