Geeky Glasses

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"Where were we" Johnny said from the ensuite.

He was now wearing his Leonard glasses, they were the biggest turn on.

He turned around and came and sat next to me on his bed. Johnny, in his green recycling T-shirt, his long brown cargo shorts, and cute geeky classes put his hand on my leg, moved closers and passionately kissed me on the lips. So gently.

"Don't you have to go and get ready for you scene with Mayim?" he mumbled mid-kiss.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes" she said placing her hands around my neck.

I pulled away from kissing her, she had a confused but somewhat worried look on her face.

"Kaley, in 2007 Chuck Lorre called me up and offered me a part in a upcoming TV series. I considered not taking it. Didn't think it would work out. But now, after meeting you. The most amazing women in my life. Meeting Jim, Simon, Kunal. my best friends. Mayim and Melissa, two wonderful ladies. I realize its the best decision I ever made.

Kaley, will you be my secret girlfriend. I promise to keep our affairs away from the media, we've done this before. Anyway, why would it matter if they knew. Honestly, I'm not ashamed"

Kaley, at this point was almost in tears. She, still holding onto Johnny's hand with a tight grip.

"Johnny Mark Galecki, you are the reason I wake up every morning. I have never stopped loving you. Yes, I'll be your secret girlfriend!"

The two newly dating couple, wanted to celebrate, not at work though.

"Tonight, can you come to my house. I'll cook you my famous Nachoes that I know you love" Johnny said to Kaley, she was completely at Johnny's will.

"You have to go get ready, we will finish this tonight" Johnny said picking her up and kissing her lips ever so passionately.



It was thursday night, that means there was the live audience coming in to watch. It was time to film the scene, the scene where Penny finally says I love you. Johnny was just as nervous as Kaley.

Before the big scene, they had a fight. Leonard was jealous of Penny hanging out with another guy. They had about 4 scenes together this episode.

The scene together final came. Alike all of the other scenes, they were expecting to have to run it over 3 or 4 times because it had only just been written in.

"And action" yelled the director.

Johnny walked up the stairs to see Kaley dressing in Penny's work uniform just about to go to work.

"Hi" he said, there was obvious conflict between the two characters.

"Heeey, shouldn't you be out with your gang spray painting equations on the side of buildings?" said Kaley.

The audience broke into laughter, Johnny waited until the ceased to say his line.

"C'mon I'm sorry" Johnny said, walking towards Kaley.

"I just can't believe you don't trust me" exclaimed Kaley as she walked towards Johnny to meet him in front of the elevator.

"No, I do. Of course I do"

"Then why did you embarrass me in front of my friend, who by the way, knew exactly who you were."

"Really?" Johnny sounded surprised.

"You picture on my refrigerator" Kaley yelled at Johnny dumbfounded.

"Oh, I'm really starting to not like this guy"

"What is your problem, do you use up all your thinking at work and then have none left for when you get home"

"I don't know, its hard sometimes, everywhere you go, guys hit on you. Even if I'm standing right there and their all taller than me. Why is everyone taller than me."

Johnny and Kaley were both as nervous as each other. They wanted to make this scene special. Not just for the show, but for a little bit inside both of them, it feel real. Like it was their own relationship.

"You know what, this is all in my head, its my problem not yours" said Johnny, turning to walk inside.

This was it, Kaley was shaking on the inside. After six years, Penny finally realize that Leonard was the one. Just like Kaley did earlier with Johnny.

"Leonard, why do you always do this, listen to me. You are the one I'm with. You know I love you so would you please relax because your driving me crazy!"

Both their characters were shocked. Penny didn't realize what she had said.

"You know that's the first time you ever said that you love me"

"Yeah" Kaley said, still completely shocked and caught up in the moment.

"Are we just supposed to pretend its not a big deal?"

"That's... that's exactly what we are going to do because you're about to make me cry, and we both know if I start crying you going to start crying"

"You're right, you should go"

Kaley hurried down the stairs, Johnny walked in side and closed the door.

"She loves me" he said, sniffling.

"Cut" yelled Mark.

"That was brilliant! Take a break guys"

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