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Kaley was set up in her bed. Her contractions were increasingly getting closer and closer. The doctor examined Kaley, she was 8 cm dialted. 

"We are nearly there" the doctor exclaimed.

Jim and Todd were waiting outside while Johnny held Kaley's hand and kneeled down next to her bed.

"Ok baby, this is it. We just have to keep calm. We are ready for this" Johnny wispered to Kaley as he clasped her hands tightly and kissed her forehead softly.

Kaley jolted and squeezed Johnny's hand tightly as she recieved another comtraction. She cringed and let out a small scream and just stared into Johnny's eyes. He ran his fingers through her hair to calm her down and made sure she was comfortable.

"Not long know Kaley, we will take you to the maternity room shortly" the doctor said with a huge smile on his face. 


Two man dressed in nurses suits walked in and unlocked Kaley's bed. Johnny walked beside her bed and held her hand as they pushed her down the corridor. On the way, they went past Jim and Todd who had been waiting outside. 

"Good luck beautiful" Jim said as he quickly kissed her forehead as she was pushed off into the maternity room. 

Johnny looked behind and saw Jim and Todd holding hands and smiling at each other. They were both so proud. 

"Lets have a baby" 

Johnny lent in and hugged her. He was handed a green surgery gown and a face mask. Kaley was already in a surgery gown and was fully dialated. 

The midwife walked in an examined Kaley. 

How is the contraction pain at the moment?" the midwife asked Kaley.

"They are very painful and about 30 seconds apart" Kaley said as another contraction hit her. She grabbed Johnny's hand and squeezed it as hard as she could once again.


Johnny's hand was starting to go numb, as he supported Kaley durning the pain.

"And just one more push; on three, one.. two.. three"

Kaley yelled in pain, and then suddenly. All the pain stopped.

They heard a tiny cry. Very sharp. It was the cry of a small child.

"Congratulations, its a boy!" the midwife said with an enomous smile on his face. 

Johnny and Kaleys face both lit up, Kaley sighed a chant of relief as she threw her head back against the bed in extushion. 

The nurse wrapped up the small boy in a hospital blanket and handed him to Kaley. She smiled. Her smile was ear to ear. Johnny stood over Kaley and just admired the beauty of their newly born child.

"I'll go and tell the boys" Johnny said as he kissed Kaley's lips and placed a tiny and soft kiss on the littles babys hand.

Johnny walked outside and saw the whole cast sitting outside Kaley's room. 

The all stood up as soon as they saw Johnny exit from the delievery room. They all waited in anguish wondering about Kaley and the baby.

Chuck, Bill, Kunal, Neha, Melissa, Winston, Simon, Jocelyn, Jim and Todd all stood in a huddle as they waited for Johnny to reach them. 

"Its a boy!" he yelled.

The whole group erupted in excitement. 

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