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Johnny who wasn't himself the whole taping, was still seriously angry.

He was infuriated at the fact how he had no privacy, how the paparazzi were so caught up stalking them, that they couldn't do anything to get away.

The cast sat on set as the live audience exited after they finished taping.

Simon and Kunal were drinking beers, whilst Melissa and Kaley just had a glass of water.

Jim and Mayim walked out from backstage in their normal clothes.

Jim looked tired and Mayim had her hair messily thrown up in a bun.

Chuck, Steve and Bill still sat behind the monitors probably watching the footage while Mark stood near the door talking to someone. They looked important.

It was 11:30pm at night, all the cast were tired and ready to leave the set.

"Will see you all next week" said Johnny standing up and pulling Kaley up into a hug.

"I'll meet you at home, just need to grab some bread from the 24/7 shop" Kaley said kissing Johnny's cheek.

Kaley left first, alone and headed for her car.

As she left the lot, their were a group of 7 photographers, probably paparazzi on the corner of the lot. Kaley had parked outside so she had to walk past them.

Seeing Kaley walking and recognizing who she was, they all jumped up and mobbed Kaley.

The sound of the cameras clicked and they all yelled trying to get answers from her.

"Who's the father, of your baby Kaley! Tell us" she heard the yells of the men.

She continued walking as the followed her.

Jim and Johnny came running out of the studio and chased after her.

"Oi mate, do you's have a permit to be on the lot?" asked Jim.

Johnny barged one of the men who was still harrasing Kaley.

"Looking after your girlfriend are you Galecki" one of the men smugged.

"Just leave mate" Johnny said boldly as the lot security rocked up in a golf cart.

They forced the men to leave, issuing them with some sort of piece of paper and pushing them out the gate.

Forbidden Romance [The Big Bang Theory]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora