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'Are you nearly ready?' Johnny sent a text to Kaley's phone.

'In the limo, I love you' she replied almost immediatley.

Johnny ran out to the front of the park. It was starting to get dark on the Sydney Harbour. The lights on the bridge light up, Johnny had everything prepared, so that this night would be perfect for Kaley.

Johnny stood under the 'luna park' face, with a rose in his hand. His legs shook from the nerves, and he couldnt keep still. His phone buzzed. He recieved a text from Jim.

'Hey buddy, whats up to tonight'

'Just in Sydney, waiting for Kaley to get to this place. I hired out this amusment to surpirse Kaley' he wrote back.

'Arent you the little romantic, let me know how it goes.'

Johnny saw the lights from the long black stretch limo, turn the corner and lead down the street. The windows were tinted, and he just imagined how goregous Kaley looked. The limo turned around the roundabout, and stopped infront of the park. The driver hopped out of the car, and opened the door. Johnny's leg shook crazy. He was so nervous.

Kaley hopped out of the car, wearing the dress that Johnny left her. She had her hair straightened, flowing over her shoulders. She had the blindfold over her face.

"Hello" she quietly said, unsure of where she was.

"He..llooo" Johnny choked. He grabbed her arm.

"Johnny, is that you?"

Yeah, its me babygirl. You. You look beautfiul" he said.

He took her hand, and headed into the park.

"Where are we going" Kaley asked, still blindfolded.

"Just trust me."

"I do"

"Just a little furthur" Johnny said, leading Kaley towards the Ferris Wheel.

He held both her hands, and pulled her into the carriage. They both sat down.

"Can you take this off?" Kaley asked.

"In a second"

The Ferris wheel started to move.

"What's happening?" Kaley ask, as she grabbed Johnny's hands and held them tightly.

The Ferris Wheel stopped at the top. They were about 60 meters in the air.

Johnny let go of her hands, and kissed her. He put his hands behind her neck, and ran his fingers through her hair. She kissed him back, just a passionatley.

Johnny broke away and pulled her blindfold off.

Kaley blinked a few times, as her eyes readjusted. She tried to work out where she was. She turned her head around, and saw the Sydney harbour bridge.

'Oh my god" she gasped.

"Its, its so beautiful"

Johnny just stared at her.

"What?" she asked, laughing at the same time.

"I'm just admiring" he replied.

"Admiring what?" she asked. Confused.


Kaley smiled.

"Why are we here?"

"I just wanted to do something special for you. Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. And I intend to make you as happy as I can!"

A tear dropped down Kaley's face.

"No time for crying, we have a helicopter to get on."

"What?" Kaley yelled.

Johnny knew she had a fear of heights.

"It will be okay. I've got you."

Johnny signalled the operator of the Ferris Wheel, and it started to move again, it stopped at the bottom. And the operator opened the cage, Johnny grabbed Kaley's hand and led her out of the area surrounding the Ferris Wheel. Kaley stood and admired the lights on the bridge, Johnny put his arm around Kaley and kissed her cheek. They both watched the helicopter fly towards the harbour landing pad.

johnny picked her up, the helicopter landed.

"Johnny, i really dont want to do this."

"Look, if you dont want to do this, you dont have too. But i'll wont let you go the whole time if you do. I promise to protect you."

Kaley dug her face into Johnny's shoulder.

"Ok, lets go then" Kaley sighed, and Johnny carried her onto the helicopter.

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