Chapter Three: Why Won't You Love Me?

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"Switching into airplane mode again,
We're not alright but I'll pretend,
Press my cheek against the glass,
Just be good 'til I get back."

For the past week or so David and I had been arguing about the smallest of things. I think it was because we were stressed out, I was going back to Sydney in two days and he would have to stay. I don't think he wanted to admit he didn't want me to leave. I didn't want to leave.

It would only be 2 months til I was back for good but it was still 2 months.

I sat in Heath's room on his bed as he edited and I could hear David filming with whoever was in the lounge room.

"I don't want you to leave." Heath says looking back at me and pouting.

"I don't wanna leave." I pout back, "you could always come with me." I said, looking hopeful at him.

"Well, I'll come for your birthday next month, so you'll see me in not even three weeks."

"That's too long, I've been here like 6 months straight now!" I whine.

"Why don't you go bug David?" He says as I begin to annoy him.

"We're not talking again, I'm just scared about what's going to happen, what if it falls apart?"

"It won't. You're just being your usual stubborn, stresshead self and he's being his usual stubborn shithead self." Heath laughs as my phone buzzes and my friend Ash appears on the screen.

"Hello Ashford." I smile.

"Ashton, you know that's my real name right?"

"I know, Irwin. What's up?"

"Are you free tonight?"

"I can be." I smirk, hoping he's inviting me out to drink.

"You're still near LA right?"


"I'll send you that address and make you have like a plus 10?"

"Something like that."

"I'll see you tonight."

"Sounds excellent."

Heath looks at me as I jump off the bed and grin at him.

"Wanna get drunk?" I laugh, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"You know, I wish I could tell you no, but I never can."

"I'm gonna go get ready then, I'll see you soon!" I smile at him.


David and Zane look at me as I walk out to the lounge room where they are.

"Party tonight?" I smile, at them. "For my second last night?"

Zane's face lights up, but David's sort of fades.

"I'm in." Zane says, "what are the details?"

"I'll tell you as soon as I know." I softly smile at him before he goes into Heath.

I walk towards David and sit on his lap, my arms wrap around his neck, it takes him a minute but he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry." I say softly.

"I'm sorry too." He says as he looks at me.

"I'm just scared."

"Me too." He says, kissing my lips.

"But, if it helps, I'm ready to let this out. Whenever you are."

He nods, "soon, I promise."


David doesn't end up coming to the club but Zane and Heath do, and David promises to do pick ups later.

Zane, Heath and I walk in and almost instantly I see Ashton and run up to him to hug him.

"I've missed you!" I squeal as he squeezes me and lifts me up.

"I've missed you too." He smiles.

I introduce everyone to each other the boys get along as I start drinking more and more, getting absolutely ruined.

I'm dancing and laughing and catching up with everyone I knew there and before I know it David messages me and tells me he's at the door, needing to be let in.

I walk towards the door and nod at the bouncer and he allows David in.

I smile a drunk smile as I lead David towards everyone and introduce him as my boyfriend, for once which is weird but he doesn't seem to mind.

David's sitting in one of the booths we have and I lay so my head is on his lap.

"Can we go home please?" I whine as he gently plays with my hair.

He laughs, "is someone too intoxicated?"

I nod, "can we get nuggets please?"

He laughs again, "let me round up the boys."

He helps me sit up and I say my goodbyes to the others before seeing Heath, Zane and David come towards me.

Heath carries me like a baby back to the car and places me in the front seat and buckles me in.

The boys are chatting before David drives the boys and drops them off. He drives us back to his apartment and is filming me and him, myself  singing drunkily along to whatever songs we're playing.

He pulls up and turns the car off and he looks at me, as I unbuckle my seatbelt and look at him, before work vomit starts coming.

"I know I'm leaving tomorrow, technically now." I say, sadly, "but I need you to know, that," I breathe heavily, "that I'm in love with you."

David smiles and leans across his chair, moving my hair from my face.

"Good." He smiles, "because I'm completely and crazily, in love with you too."

We both smile before kissing, we laugh and smile and kiss again before getting out of the car.


Authors note:
Kind of a short chapter, just wanted to update quickly as possible. Let me know what you think!
I know it's so cliche and cheesy but I love it ok thanks byeee x

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