Chapter Four: Close As Strangers

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"6 weeks since I've been a way,
And now you're saying everything has changed,
And I'm afraid that I might be losing you,
And It kills me thinking of you own your own,
And I wish I was back home, next to you."

It was the morning I was leaving and I was holding back tears saying goodbye to everyone.

David sat beside me as Heath drove and his face was serious and staring out the window as I held his hand on my lap.

I was choked up and I knew both of the boys knew. It was like I was finally finding my place in this world but I had to leave because my working visa had run out and hadn't come back in time.

Heath gets out of the car and starts grabbing my stuff as David turns to me.

"I want to tell people about us." He says, "everyone."

He had so much filmed of us that couldn't be shared.

I smile and nod.

"I made a video of all the things everyone and I filmed of us, that we couldn't show. I'm just gonna put it up, is that okay?"

I kiss him and it's passionate. I feel him smile through the kiss.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes."

"Yes, I would love nothing more." I smile as he helps me out of the car and we check my ticket in and walk towards my terminal.

David and I are holding hands and I know their are people in whisperings, that know David and I.

We hear a scream and someone run as David hugs me and kisses the top of my head as we're waiting for gate to open.

"You guys are together?" She smiles.

I laugh as tears are in mine and David's eyes because we're not ready to say goodbye.

"Yeah, We are. I'm glad you're happy for us." David smiles as she looks actually happy.

"Ofcourse I am! So many people will be! How come you haven't said anything before now?"

"I don't want Char to get hurt by the not so nice comments." David says as he wipes a tear off of my cheek. "But a video will be up soon."

"I can't believe you've got to leave!" She says as I laugh through my tears.

"I'll be back!" I smile and wipe my tears.

We continued chatting before she had to leave for her flight and I said my goodbyes to Heath who was also choked up and crying.

"Be good, shithead." Heath laughs as he tries to shrug off his head. "I'll be back in to see you in 3 weeks okay?"

I nod, "I love you, Heath." I more sob than say.

"I love you too." He says as he waves and sits down so David can say goodbye.

"I don't want to say Goodbye." He says, tears prickling in his eyes.

"Then don't." I smile as I wipe his tears. "It's okay, you can come to my neck of the woods, I'll give you the full tour, Pub Crawls included."

"I don't know what that means but," he laughs as we're both crying, "I'll be there."

The last call for my flight is called and I can see the attendant waiting at the door for me.

"I'll see you soon." David says as he grabs my face with both his hands and pulls me into him.

"I love you." I smile, as I wipe my tears.

"I love you too." He smiles back, pretending not to cry, but tears were coming out unstoppably.

The One After Liza // David DobrikWhere stories live. Discover now