Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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About an hour later, I'm sitting sipping tea at the bench as David walks in and drops his bag before walking straight over and embracing me.
He says hello to Natalie as she says she's gotta run some errands and leaves, winking at me on her way out.

I pace stressfully as David goes to shower and get changed before I pressed record on the hidden camera and David returns.

"Sit down." I say to him. "Please."

"Why? You're scaring me." He half laughs, "I regret all the pranks I've ever pulled on you in this moment." He says sitting down.

I bit my lip and pick my nails as he looks at me confused.

"Spit it out, Char." He says, becoming anxious.

"I, um, well, I'll just show you." I say, grabbing a test and placing it in front of him.

Tears pool in my eyes as his eyebrows furrow and he looks at me, realising what it is.

"This is a prank?" He laughs.

I shake my head no, and pass the other four tests.

"You're pregnant?" He says, standing up, walking and standing in front of me.

I nod, yes.

"Oh my god." He says, his face a pale white, "you're pregnant." He whispers.

"Dave." I say, touching his cheek with my hand, making him look at me, my tears pouring now. It's quiet for 5 minutes. "say something, please." I beg.

His eyes meet mine. And he grabs my waist and lifts me up, smiling.

"We're gonna have a baby." He says, kissing my lip. "Half me, half the woman I am in love with."

"Oh thanks god." I say, kissing him as he begins to weep.

I wipe his tears as he sprinkles my face with kisses.

"A real baby?!" He smiles.

"No Dave, A dolphin." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me to vlog this?!" He laughs.

"I got ya covered." I smile, as I bring his camera out from where it was hidden.

"Did you guys hear that? I'm a dad." He laughs and wipes his tears before kissing me and turning the camera off.

• • •

"I'm scared." I say as David and I walk towards the pre natal clinic for our first scan.

"It's okay." He says, holding my hand in his.

As we walk through the door and let the receptionist know we're here, we sit and wait patiently before we hear familiar voices.

"David?" Josh says as Paige and I make eye contact.

"Paige!" I say, "are you?"

"Are you?" She says at the same time.

We both nod.

"Congratulations!" We say as we hug.

"I can't believe this." David laughs.

"You're loving this." Josh laughs.

• • •

It's the beginning of my third month being pregnant and we decide to tell our friends.

We had recently announced to the internet world we were back together, this announcement would shake everyone.

We're having a relaxing, summer barbecue in David's and I backyard.
I had moved back in, the moment david found out I was pregnant.

David makes everyone sit and they all begin filming as he does. Jason makes a joke.

"Shut up, guys! It's important! There's gonna be a vlog baby!" He yells, and laughs.

"Well." I say, as David wraps his arm around me.

"It's true. Im gonna be a dad."

"You're shitting me!" Jason yells, "I was right!"

We laugh and Kara, Corinna and Kristen hug me even though they already knew.

Every hugs and congratulates us and it's happy and nice.

The internet, I didn't think would be that nice.

David posts the reactions of the people we told privately. Me with telling him, then the girls, then him telling Heath, Zane, Scott and Todd first before we had now just told everyone as a whole, the video is sweet and he adds in all the scans I had. And a "We can't wait to meet you Baby Dobrik."

My heart is full and happy as I watch it and see how proud he is to be a dad.

"I knew it!" Someone commented.
"That's the reason they got back together!"
"Okay but it should've been Liza."
"Yaaaasss my mom and dad! Congrats!"

Mostly positive but some negative.


David was so protective over me, especially when I started showing even more, at 5 months I was quite big.

It was so cute and innocent watching everyone's reactions and be happy for us, even though we were young.

I laid in bed, as David was out in another room with Jason recording the podcast.

I drift to sleep but am awoken by an excruciating pain in my lower back.
I crawl out of bed and realise, I'm bleeding.

I scream to David and he comes running.

His eyes flicker from mine to the blood and he instantly helps me get changed before getting me in the car, making Natalie drive as he sits with me.

I cry out as there's so much pain, my eyes roll back and I pass out, hearing David's voice softly calling for me.

I can feel him lift me as the car stops, before I completely black out.


Authors note:

I'm so saaaad why did I write this noooooo 😭😭😭

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