Chapter Fifteen: Hold On To Me

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"Hold onto me, hold onto me,
Don't you ever leave, don't you ever leave,
I know I've got my problems
and it's probably me
So hold onto me, hold onto me."

I haven't slept a wink as I sit out on the back outside area, sipping my tea as I watch the sunrise over the city.

My eyes haven't stopped weeping since I came out an hour ago. I have some music playing softly as I think about everything that happened.

Was that the way David really felt? I knew I wasn't Liza and I would never be. I wasn't trying to be, I didn't want to be. Was he just drunk? The conversation playing over and over in my head.

It's about 9am and two coffees later when David plonks himself down beside me, he's bought me another coffee, he hands me it and I say a soft thank you before he clears his throat.

"I'm sorry." He says, sipping his coffee. "I don't remember..." he stumbles over his words, "But Natalie told me what I said to you. She also said she thinks you haven't slept."

"I haven't." I say as I sip my coffee and still staring out at the city, not making eye contact with him.

"I'm really sorry, Char. I didn't mean it, Any of it."

"I can't believe you didn't come to me to begin with, it hurts that you believe I would do that to you." I say as I look at him this time, tears threatening to spill.

"I know. I should've come to you. It was just a stressful day yesterday at the meeting and then finding you like that in the shower, scared me."

"I'm sorry, I'm a lot to deal with, I can move out if it's too much for you."

"No!" He interjects quickly. "I just want you to teach me how to deal with things when you're like that so I can help."

"You did good, just help me be a human again." I half laugh. "But I will always tell you why they happen, later. If you'll listen."

"Always." He says softly, placing his hand on top of mine.

"Lukas got out of rehab yesterday." I say softly as my body fills with shivers. "And there was just a lot of things said about me online and the other night in the coyote club, girls said some stuff to me in the bathroom. That's why I bought Sophie, the girl with blue hair a drink cause she said nice things to me after I almost had a freak out."

"You should've told me, I wouldn't of left you." He says.

"I'm safe here, I know that, I don't want to be the reason why you stop hanging out with your friends or why you lose everything, I, i," my voice breaks as tears flood out, "I can't be the reason you lose everything."

"What makes you think I'm going to lose everything, Char?" He says, confused.

"All the comments on your videos, the comments people make to me, on my photos, in real life."

David wipes my tears away with his thumb, "they're not the ones you need to listen to, okay?" He says, "trust me, if they're really the people who love and support me, then they'll still be there." He says as he pulls me into his chest and he caresses my hair. "It's okay, Char. You're the most beautiful girl in the world to me, you're smart and you're funny and you put up with all my dumbass ideas. You're mine and that's all that matters to me." He says as he kisses me.

"I promise you, that it's not me, in those pictures. Ashton is literally like my big brother, that's it."

"I know." He says softly, "I'm just insecure because Liza kissed someone whilst we were together and she told me that it was nothing and I forgave her and then she slept with him. That's really why we ended." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Dave." I say softly as my legs are either side of him and he rests his head on my chest. "I solemnly swear, I will never cheat on you, ever."

"I don't deserve you, I think you're an actual angel." He says as he stands up and helps me up before he begins heading inside with my hand in his.

"Where are we going?" I say, as he stops and looks at me.

"You haven't slept, so we're going to lay in bed and watch movies and order food and cuddle."

I smile at him, "sounds perfect."


A few hours pass and David and I are just laying in his bed watching some horror movie he chose.

He laughs as I flinch in the jump scares.

"Hey, I was thinking," He says,

"Don't think too hard, you don't want to hurt yourself." I laugh,

He chuckles, "you should come on tour with us. We've only got a few dates left."

"I would be honoured." I smile as he kisses my forehead.

"I was also thinking," he says.

"Once again, hopefully not too hard." I poke fun at him again.

"I want us to tell the public that we're official again." He grins like a small boy in a candy shop.

"I'd like that." I smile.

He reaches into his bed side table and hands me a small velvet red box.

I gasp as I open it. A gold necklace that has a small D and a heart hanging from it.

"I know the one you wear is from your brother, I thought you could hanging them both together, if you wanted."

I smile and press my lips to his. "I love it and, I love you David Julien Dobrik."

"I love you too." He says as he smirks at me using his middle name. "I also got myself this."

He pulls a long chain out from under his shirt and it has a little C and a heart on it.

"You're so damn mushy." I smile, "I love it."


Authors note:

ooooh little drama and fluff as always omg like I just imagine David having a necklace and like Char in the case have a similar one with each of their initials and like people are trying to figure out if they're back together or nah and like photos come out and confirm it and yassssss

I honestly believe David would be the most perfect boyfriend in the whole world lik he just seems so mushy and cute and like clingy but in a good way and like he knows how to treat a lady and like ahhhh I'm getting carried away/

I honestly love him so much 🤷🏼‍♀️

Also! Just a random question! I turn 23 real soon - how old are you guys? Leave a comment! I'm really interested to find out!

Vote and comment and tweet me @bbygrlcourtx

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