Chapter Thirteen: Valentine

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"I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart,
You love our permanent chase and the bite of our bark,
We know we're classic together like
Egyptian gold."

David and I are awoken from our sleep to his door opening and Corina, Heath, Matt and Zane bursting in as David covers me in the blanket. A little panicked.

It's awkward as they stand there and I look between them and David before I burst out laughing, them also laughing after I started.

"You guys didn't see the clothes everywhere?" I laugh, as a use the sheet to cover my body as I sit up.

Jason walks in with my bra on, "Oh, We did." He says, laughing. "We just thought you fought and threw David's shit at him."

David laughs from beside me as he chucks a pillow at them and tells them to get out.


"Just get in the car, Char." David laughs as he's trying to force me into his car whilst I'm blindfolded.

"I've seen the vlogs, Dave. I know how this works." I say with attitude but laughing.

I finally get in the car and David begins driving, I'm still blindfolded as he pulls into somewhere and the door opens and a man greets David.

"Good Morning Sir." He says, "and ma'am."

David laughs, "it's a surprise." He says, as I guess the man questions that I'm blindfolded.

"Ah, I see." He says, "I'll get your bags."

David helps me out of the car and is guiding me up stairs, by the sounds of it we're at an airport.

"Can I take this damn thing off yet, Dave?" I say, with a smile on my face as I hear Heath's laugh.

"Surprise!" I hear David say as he drops my blindfold, as I see Corina, Heath, Zane, Scotty, Kristen, Todd, Jason and Trisha standing before me.

"What's this for?" I say as I turn to David.

"And why can't we call you Dave, but Char can?" Zane playfully sighs.

"We're going to Vegas, and the second part is a surprise." He smiles as we take our seats on the private jet. "And It sounds so much better coming out of Charlottes mouth than it does yours, Zane." David playfully bickers at Zane.

I laugh as David films a montage for his vlog, everyone acting wild as usual.

A fake cocaine scene with Zane and Heath. Corina and Todd making out. Kristen and I doing shots.

David smiles a cheesy grin at me and leans in for a kiss as Jason films him. He pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist as others film bits for their vlogs.

We arrive at the hotel, Ceasar's Palace and Jason makes the typical "Did Ceasar live here?" Joke.

"Here's your guys' key." David says as he hands Jason a key. "This ones ours." He smiles at me as the hotel staff take our luggage up to our rooms.

David and I are on the top floor and it's absolutely stunning.

I gasp as I run to the window and look at the view.

"Oh my god!" Is all I can say.

David thanks the staff and tips them correctly.

He stands behind me and rests his head on my shoulder, his arms around my torso comfortably.

"What's this for, Dave?" I say, "I'm very grateful, thank you."

"I just wanted to treat you, to something special. I still feel like I don't deserve you. You're too good to me."

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