Chapter Nineteen: Animal

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"I want you all to myself,
Don't leave none for nobody else,
I am an animal with you,
No angels could beckon me back,
And it's hotter than hell where I'm at,
I am an animal with you."

[smut warning: you have been warned]

I wake not too much longer after I fell asleep. David's sitting beside the bed. His eyes are glazed over and red, He had been crying.

Our eyes meet and I use my thumb to wipe away the tear sitting on his cheek.

"Please don't leave me, please?" He cries.

"What are you talking about?" I say as more tears leave his eyes.

"Matt said he told you about how Playlist want Liza to be a part of our group and then Kara said you don't give many people second chances so I should behave and Heath agreed and I'm so scared you're just going to pick up and leave me. I'm sorry I answered Liza's call." He said, almost hyperventilating.

I slide off the bed and put my legs either side of his body and pull his head into chest as he cries.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, It's okay, just breathe." I say softly.

He looks at me and I softly kiss him.

"I'm not gonna leave you, Dave. I'm a little sad that you didn't tell me about the Playlist situation but I'm not going to just give up on you, on us."

He nods, "I'm sorry."

"Why was Liza calling so late though?"

"She's been pestering me since Playlist asked her to join two days ago. She wants to know if she can say yes, but I don't want to tell her she can, I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Tell her she can join, don't let this stress you. I don't know her, I can't hate someone I don't know and even if she does have a problem with me, I'm sure she can be civil, right?"

He nods, "You're amazing, you know that?"

"I try." I smile as I wipe the last of his tears. "Please don't listen to the old stories from Heath and Kara, I was a different person before I met you. The thing Kara said about second chances is true, I've been played the fool one too many times but you're different, it's different with you." I smile. "I love them but there's a lot no one knows."

David and I sit for a while more until he's calmed down and we walk towards the living room.

As we turn the corner, we notice everyone but Heath and Kara are asleep, they're no where too be found.

"You wanna get high with me?" I almost whisper to him.

"What?" He smirks, "you wanna get high?"

"If you do?" I smile.

"Have you? Before?"

I nod, "Kara and I went through a phase a few years ago, you?"

He laughs, "Dom's one of my best friends."

"That's true." I smile as I grab a joint from Kara's cigarette packet.

The One After Liza // David DobrikWhere stories live. Discover now