Chapter Seven: The Sound

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"Well I know when you're around
cause I know the sound,
I know the sound of your heart."

As I woke up and realised where I was, a part of me was panicked. I sat up and slowly unwrapped myself from David's grip, waking him up in the process.

"Oh, um, I should go, I've got a tonne of work to do and videos to edit and..." I rambled before David cut me off.

"It's okay, Char." He says.

I nod, calming down a little, "I'll call you later."

"I'll answer." He smiles as I grab my shoes and he kisses my forehead before i leave.


As I walk out of David's apartment, I literally bump into Heath and Zane as I'm leaving.

I grab my stuff from Zane's hand as they both stare at me shocked.

"Your hair!" Zane says, touching my hair.

"You didn't tell me you were back." Heath says,

"I didn't tell anyone." I say quietly,

"But you were here?" Heath said, nodding towards David's door, a little aggressively.

"I, I was, We were drunk." I stumble out, "I needed someone. I didn't want to be alone."

"Could've called your best friend." He mumbles out.

"I didn't know if you were still my best friend."

Heath looks like he's going to angrily say something.

"I don't wanna argue with you, Heath." I say, "let me explain, please."

He nods.

"Number 603, level 16" I smile as I walk away.

"Oh she's a top floor bitch." Zane laughs.

I wink at him, "you know it."


I shower and wash my hair, getting dressed in some tights and a led zeppelin shirt that belonged to Ashton or one of the other 5sos boys.

As I sat and started to film a q and a video, I read through the questions.

"@lacedisgrace what really happened between you and David? Did he cheat?"

"@daniellowis @lacedisgrace I know! There's rumours she's back in la too! Are you they back together?"

"@ferrycake are you friends with the vlog squad again?"

"@chlo can you explain to us what happened? Why did you change your mind?"

"@hanna you broke David's heart!"

"@emtrainlovesliza you need to leave the vlog squad alone! Diza forever!!"

As I sat and read the questions, 90% of them were about David or the other guys. I was scrolling through the rest of the tweets when there was a knock at the door.

I open it and it's Heath, Zane, David and Scott.

"I'm glad you all came," I breathed loudly, "we have to do a question and answer video."

"But first we need the answers." Heath said.

"I agree. I think." I say slighty confused.


We all sit around my couch, some music playing softly in the background.

"Why did you come back, if not for us?" Heath says.

"It's not that it wasn't for you guys, it's just, i needed the change, I was stuck in a rut, my home didn't feel like home. It was for me. There was always a hope that we would reunite and be friends again. It was never out of the picture forever, I just needed time."

"Why didn't you say anything about your guys' break up?" Zane says, looking between David and I.

"I didn't know how too." I said, looking everywhere but at David. "I thought David had said enough in a video, I, no, you, David, put the blame on me. That wasn't fair."

"I know." He says, "I was wrong, I'm sorry."

"But what about me?" Heath says, "I was in a spot where.."

"You were damned if you do, damned if you don't." I say, "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to believe that I was going through something like this again. I promised myself after Lukas that I wouldn't be a fool again."

"It's okay," Heath says and he pulls my body into his chest. "You're forgiven." He kisses the top of my head.

"Can we film now? And then I have more questions but I think that it's a conversation David and I need to have."

The boys all agree and we all film the video and then everyone but David leaves.

"So?" David says, as we sit facing each other.

"This is harder for me than it seems."

"I know." He says.

"Just because last night happened doesn't mean we're right back to where we used to be, okay?" I say, "I don't know what's going to happen but I can't just let you back in, in the blink of an eye."

"I know, I'm sorry, and I understand. Friends until we figure this out?"

"Friends." I smile at him.

"The boys and I are going out tonight, did you want to come? Bar tabs on me?" He smiles goofily.

"Only if you promise to get me home safely, and to get me nuggets."

"Jason's gonna be sober and driving my Tesla, I never thought those words would come out of my mouth." He laughs, "I promise."

"Let's do it then."

We sit around for another hour and so and just laugh and talk and it's like it was in the beginning.


Authors note:

Sorry it's been a while since the last update! I've been super busy but keep updated and talk to me on Twitter! I'll follow back! :)


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