Chapter Nine: Mirrors

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"I don't wanna you lose you now,
I'm looking right out at the other half of me,
The vacancy that sat in my heart,
Is a space that now you hold,
Show me how to fight for now,
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy,
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along.
It's like you're my mirror"

[trigger warning: physical abuse/hinting of rape]

"What are you doing here? How'd you get in?" I say, confused mostly.

He walks towards me and I flinch as he hugs me. He moves back and looks at David and Jason.

"This is David, and Jason. This is Lukas." My voice shakes.

"You guys can leave now." Lukas says, rudely.

"Woah, wait." I say, looking at Lukas, "this is my place. They don't have to go anywhere."

"Char, it's okay, we'll go to mine, let me know if you need anything." David says.

"You don't have to go, David." I almost plead him not to leave.

"I know. We'll let you just figure this out." He says softly as I walk towards him.

I kiss his cheek so close to his lips, that ours almost touch.

"Please, wait up for me to call, if I don't call in an hour, come back." I whisper.

He nods as him and Jason leave.


I'm shaking as I look around for my phone, my vision blurry, there's blood everywhere, broken glass crunches underneath me.

Let's go back 45 minutes, and fill you in, shall we?

"There's no way in hell, I'm going anywhere, especially with you." I say, loud but not so loud I'm yelling.

"You need to come home, where you belong." He says, sternly.

"How did you find me? We broke up, Lukas, I left because..."

He steps closer to me and I step back, in fear. It had always been rocky for Lukas and I, whenever he was intoxicated he would take everything out on me, he never hit me to say, but he would grip my arms so tightly I would have bruises or push me into walls or use me how he wanted.

"You left, I say it's over when it's over!" He shouts.

He grabs my phone and throws it at the wall. He walks towards my sink and throws all the dishes at the floor. He's throwing things and yelling.

My heart is racing as I'm trying to think of what to do, he looks at me and comes towards me, throwing plates and other breakables at me, leaving little cuts and bruises all over my body.

He lifts his fist and throws it at me but I duck and he hits the wall. I stumble away from him and without him seeing, I grab a knife and walk back and lock myself in the bathroom as he runs towards me.

"Open up!" He yells, "you know I'll just get in there!" He bangs on the door.

He's starting to break the door down and finally it falls as I hide in the corner of the room.

He lunges at me and I pull the knife out and it slices his arm, he yells in pain as it plunges in his shoulder and I let go of the knife as it slips from my hands. He throws his fist at me as he stumbles back and I'm knocked out.

And that's where we are now.

My visions blurry as I stand up and see bits of broken mirror and glass everywhere.

I look at my face and there's blood everywhere, his blood, my blood, cuts, already bruising.

I stumble towards my kitchen and pick up my house phone calling 911.

I'm on the landline to 911 as my mobile buzzes with David's face. I can't reach for it, I'm drowsy and can barely move.

I'm on the kitchen floor trying to explain to the poor lady on the phone what's happened and she's trying to keep me calm as I'm crying and obviously scared.

The police come and so do ambulance officers, the help me up and place me on the stretcher.

They're cleaning my face and arms and legs as David runs in.

"Char!" He yells, worried, tears prick in his eyes.

"I'm okay." I say, as he grabs my hand. "It's okay."

"What happened?" He says, looking around.

"He was high, on a drug binge, the police caught him down the road."

"I shouldn't of left you." He says, running his hands through his hair.

"It's okay, David. You wouldn't of stopped him. Meet me at the hospital." I say to him, "bring Heath."

He agrees and rushes back to meet me as I start crying my eyes out in fear.


A few days passed and I'm in my apartment, it's 11pm. I tell everyone I'm fine and laugh it off but the truth is, I haven't showered, eaten or been out of a trance in days,

I hear a knock at the door and I freeze, I crawl back down behind the lounge. I hear a key get placed in and turned. I start crying and shaking but I can't do anything.

The door pushes open and I hear a small hello. It's David.

I stand up from where I'm hiding and tears are staining my face.

"Oh, Char." He says, closing the door and coming closer to me as I practically fall into his arms.

"I'm scared." Is all I can muster out.

"I know." He says, "it's okay, it's gonna be okay."

"Can we get some food please?" I half laugh out.

"Yeah." He smiles at me, "we can but first I need to show you something."


Authors note:

A little bit of an intense chapter but I was watching a movie and this happened in it and I was inspired 💁🏼‍♀️ everyone loves a lil drama.

Sorry for the late update I've been sick and working so much! But thank you for all the reads! x

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