Chapter Six: Cute With Out The E

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"Hoping for the best just hoping nothing happens,
A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins,
I will never ask if you don't ever tell me,
I know you well enough to know you'll never love me,
Why can't I feel anything from anyone other than you?"

I was finally back in LA and unfortunately, I couldn't get my apartment changed. As the boys from the company I was working for helped carry things up, I was in a daze.

I hadn't told anyone I was back. I had died my hair from blonde to a dark ash brown and made all my social media private. I was wearing sunglasses at the given time and it barely looked like myself.

I thanked the boys as they finished and I myself headed up to my apartment, knowing my elevator would go passed David's every time I came or went made my heart almost stop.

I get in the elevator and as the door closes, someone places there hand inside and stops the door and hops in. It was David's friend from back home Ilya. We had met a few times but not enough for him to know it was me.

The elevator doors stop on David's floor and Ilya steps out, dropping his wallet. I step forward and jump out of the elevator.

"Hey!" I shout, "you dropped this." I say stepping towards him standing at David's door.

"Oh, Thanks." He smiles.

I hear David yelling as his door whips open.

"See you around." I smile at Ilya and walk away, quickly before David could see me.

"Who was that?" I hear him ask.

"I just dropped my wallet." He said before I hear them step inside.


A few days pass and I'm settled and on the phone to Ashton.

"No, Ash, I'm not gonna tell him I'm back." I sigh, "I'm happy living in my own little bubble. Okay, Ash, I'll talk to you later."

David and Char had caught glimpses of each other, but she didn't think they were enough for him to know it was her. She thought he would think she would never come back but she did.

It was late afternoon and I was waiting for my food I had ordered to arrive. There was a knock at the door indicating that it had arrived.

I was in grey sweatpants and a clickbait hoodie that I still had. I couldn't part with the things David had given to me even though I was hurt, I was still hurting. My hair was in a messy bun and I had taken my make up off for the night.

I open the door and I am shocked at the person standing in front of me.

"It is you!" Kristen shouts,

I shush her and pull her inside.

"I knew I saw you come up here!" She said. "Why didn't you tell us you were back!"

"You guys were majority Heath and David's friends, and since I'm not on speaking terms with either of them. I didn't think we were either."

"Ofcourse I am! Let me go grab everyone else!" She says, reaching for the door.

"No!" I say, a little too loud. "You can't, please."

The One After Liza // David DobrikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora