Chapter Seventeen: The Night We Met

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"Take me back, to the night we met."

David and I sat with Natalie in a cafe waiting for the people who ran the upcoming YouTube Event, Playlist live.

We were laughing and sipping our coffees as two men in suits and a lady walk in.

We all shake hands and sit and talk and discuss what they would like too.

"So." The taller man says, "We want you, David to host the event and have you and all your friends, and girlfriend." He says looking at me, "to be the main guests along with some of the other YouTubers we have on our list."


The meeting is quickly over and David and I agree to attend, knowing the other guys will be in as well.

We're sitting in the vlog house and almost everyone is there, including Josh Peck.

"You look strangely familiar!" He says, trying to figure out where he knows me from, as David's asleep on my lap and I'm softly playing with his hair.

"I mean, I used to sing on YouTube back in the day, I worked for the Australian Nickelodeon? Maybe that's where you know me from? I once did a cover of the drake and josh theme song!" I laugh and David's eyes ping open.

"You never told me that!" He says, sitting up and beginning to film me. "Put it on the tv now!" He demands playfully.

"I was like 13 okay, you've gotta give me a break. Only Kristen and Corina have seen it and maybe Heath." I say looking at them as Heath nods.

"I sure have." He laughs.

I play the hidden video of my account as the whole group laugh and Josh sings along and I sing with him.

"What else do you have?" David says, sliding through my hidden videos.

"Oh trust me, not one of them are good." I laugh although, "my job at nick let me do a duet with Ariana Grande." I laugh, playing the video of us singing some song from the show Victorious.

They all laugh and pay out on me as the video ends.

"Okay that's enough." I laugh as I turn off the tv.

"That's totally going to be in my outro." David laughs.

"I hate you sometimes." I laugh as he cuddles me into me again.

"So What's going on with you two?" Josh says.

"It's back on, but on the downlow, but not so we're hiding it, if that makes sense?" I says, as Josh notices that David and I are wearing matching necklaces.

"Oh that's cute." Josh says, "they've got little each other's initials on a chain." He giggles.

David chucks a pillow at him.

Jason speaks up, "did you get her a little crown cause she's your queen?" He laughs along with everyone.

David looks at me, cautiously.

"Actually, uh, my brother gave it to me." I say smiling softly,

"How come we've never met him?" Jason says, again.

"Stop." David says , softly, giving him a look.

"It's okay." I smile at him softly, "um, my brother died two years ago in a car accident."

Jason's and almost everyone else's faces drop except Heath and Corinna, they both knew everything.

"It's okay!" I say, "honestly, it's all good!"

"Good one Jason." Corina says throwing her empty cup at him.

"It's fine! I used to get really upset about it but it was an accident and I miss him like crazy but it's okay! You guys didn't know, I guess I don't realise how closed off I am until it comes up."

The conversation changes and David has his arm around my waist and is using his thumb to rub my hip as I lay with my back against his chest as he sits.

My eyes slowly flutter shut as half of our friends sat and spoke and the other half watched whatever movie was playing.

I groan as I'm awoken by a loud bang and then I hear his laugh as one of my eyes peaks open.

I see David filming me and Jason standing with two pans, guessing that's what the bang was

"We wake you with a literal bang and you just groan!" David laughs, sticking the camera in my face as I perch up on my elbows.

"I live with you, Dobrik and I grew up with an older brother. You're gonna have to try harder than that to scare me." I roll my eyes as he laughs.

"You're becoming immune to the scares, it's time to replace you." He laughs.


Back at the house, I'm lounging on David's bed whilst he sits opposite me on the floor on a bean bag.

It's quiet but comfortable until David speaks up.

"Do you think if we went back to the night we met and I was still with Liza, we'd be friends?" He says, not looking up from his computer.

"I don't know. I don't think you would've been the same person." I say, looking at him. "Do you think we rushed things?"

"No, I don't. Do you?" He says, this time looking at me.

"I don't think so, I think we were what we both needed in the time and now." I smile softly, "why?"

"I just read a thing that someone tagged us in on Instagram and they just said, imagine it was the night we met, but I was still taken, do you think we still would've ended up together?"

"I think so. I think everything happens for a reason." I say, now getting up to sit beside him, our bodies mouldings together on the bean bag.

"Me too." He smiles as he kisses my forehead. "You were the greatest thing Heath ever bought to me." He laughs.

"Once again, who knew heath could do something so right." I joked. "I have a question though."

"I have an answer." He replies as he scrolls on his phone now.

"Can my friend Kara come stay for a few days?" I smile.

He laughs, "it's your house too, you know?"

"You pay for it, Dobrik." I smile, "I just live here."

"That's true," He laughs, "but you're allowed whoever you want over."

"Thank you." I smile as I kiss him, happily.


Authors note:

Oooh new chapter new characters ooooh!
I'm thinking about adding more characters of Charlotte/Charleigh's friends - would you like to be a character in this book? Dm me on Twitter (@bbygrlcourtx) and tell me why and give me a description of you! I also need a little sister character so message me!!

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