Where is He?

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A/N: Any suggestions for what could happen next? Please lemme know! And lemme know how i'm doing with a comment! Thanks y'all!

Darry went inside with a slight sigh, setting down his tool belt, walking quickly to the kitchen to meet the gang.

His eyes looked over each member. Soda, Steve, Pony, Johnny..... Sh**, the only ones missing were Dally and.....Two-Bit.

"Well, was Two-Bit at school today?" He wanted to get right to the point, wanting to make sure his buddy was okay.

"No Darry, he wasn't." Came Pony's quiet voice.

Darry frowned, looking flustered. "Well, has anyone seen him today?" The four Greasers before him shook their heads.

Darry swallowed. "Alright, lemme call his mother and see if he's there, otherwise, we're gonna go look around." He went to the phone.

Steve murmured to Soda with a slight sneer and Johnny and Ponyboy shared a worried look.

"Think Two's okay?" Johnny mumbled quietly. Pony swallowed a little. "Yeah.....i'm sure he is, Johnnycakes."

"Man, if Two-Bit's just asleep in the gutter again, he f****** owes us." Steve sneered.

"Come on Steve, something could really be up. He could be in trouble." Soda spoke patiently.

"Doubt it." Steve huffed. "I told y'all he's just at Buck's."

"All day?" Soda frowned.

Steve huffed with a shrug. "It's Two-Bit. So yeah."

Darry came back in, shaking his head, flustered. "Alright, Two-Bit still hasn't been home so let's start heading out. Pony, get your coat."

"Wait Darry, shouldn't you eat somethin'?" Soda frowned at his brother, watching Pony go off to his room.

"I'll be fine, Soda; I told Two's mom we'd find him and that's what we're going to do. Now come on, we'll hit Buck's and the rest of Two's favorite places." Darry spoke, already walking out the door.

Soda swallowed and followed, Steve behind him, Johnny and Pony close by.

"Keep a close look out y'all. Never know where Two-Bit could be." Darry instructed, already looking around.

"Like in the gutter." Steve snorted and Soda elbowed his friend softly with a hush.

The five started walking for Buck's, keeping an eye out for their comical, red-haired friend.

Along the way, they bumped into Dally, who smirked with a wave. "Ey, where are all of you heading off to?" He raised a brow, taking note of the fact Darry was with, who never really hung out with the others. He never had time.

"Dallas, have you seen Two-Bit?" Darry asked. Dal scratched at his neck. "Yeah I seen 'em."

"Really?" Soda perked up.


The gang groaned in frustration. "What?" Questioned Dally. "Did I miss his birthday or somethin'?"

"Dally, Two's birthday is in June and yeah, Two's missin'." Darry breathed out.

Dally's eyebrows rose, paying full attention now. "Missing? What does that mean?"

"Missing as in we can't find him." Steve huffed, a little aggravated from the current situation.

Before Dally could hit Steve, Darry saved him. "We haven't seen him all day and he didn't come home last night. Will ya help us look for him?"

"Got nothin' better to do, so sure." Dally shrugged, taking his place next to Johnny, smoking a cigarette.

They started walking again, nearing Buck's. "Where do you think Two-Bit is, Darry?" Pony questioned aloud. "You really think he's at Buck's?"

"I dunno, Pone." Darry sighed, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of Two-Bit. "But this ain't like Two-Bit to not come home. He's usually pretty good at that. And if he really was drunk, someone usually brings him home. I dunno what to think. Let's just hope we find him so his mom can relax some."

Ponyboy nodded, wondering about his rusty-haired friend. He looked around, hoping to see him and then everything would be okay.

"Any of you see any sign of him?" Darry looked around, wanting answers.

There were about 3 or 4 no's that were heard.

"What's that over there?" Johnny's voice peeped.

"Hmm? What did you say, Johnnycakes?" Dally looked at him.

Johnny pointed a little ways ahead. "Up there. I see somethin'."

Dally's eyes squinted as he looked ahead, seeing the reflection from the sun on something shiny. "Hey I think you're right, Johnny. Hey Superman, over here, man." He started jogging a little, making his way over.

Darry and the others followed, making their way over to the object in the grass.

Soda was the first to pick it up, his mouth an 'o', brown eyes wide. "I-It-It's Two-Bit's blade."

The gang gaped at Two-Bit's beloved knife, the blade open, sunlight bouncing off of it.

"Two-Bit wouldn't just leave it lying around," Pony swallowed, suddenly feeling his stomach tighten.

"Something must have happened." Soda's eyes went narrow a little, worried for his buddy.

"Think the Socs got 'em?" Steve questioned, scowling with worry.

"I'd say so if Two-Bit's knife is here. Cause if it's here and Two-Bit's not here well....." Dally's voice trailed off.

"What, what?" Soda looked at him, concerned.

"Connect the dots, Soda," Dally huffed. "The Socs coulda taken him."

"They couldn't do that," Darry frowned, worry etched into his face. "Wh-Why would they?"

"Beats me." Dally shrugged, jaw tight. "But either way, we still gotta find him. At least now we have somewhat of a lead."

"Yeah, somewhat." Steve huffed and glanced around a few times.

Sodapop frowned as he eyed Two's knife and biting his lip, he closed the blade and put it into his pocket.

"Well, we're gonna find him. We ain't gonna stop until we do neithers. Come on, let's go ask Buck."

The rest nodded and followed Soda for Buck's, worry-filled for their friend.

"Don't worry, we're coming to find you, Two-Bit......." Was all Soda could think.

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