Ain't A Fair Fight

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A/N: Please leave comments and suggestions if you have any down below! Thanks guys!

Note: The angst and suspense is really building up from here on out so it's gonna be a heck of a wild ride for everyone. You're welcome.

Two-Bit's Point of View

"Let go of me, d*** it! Rrrr! Lay off!" I shouted at David, who was shoving me down the stairs to the basement and I tried not to stumble.

He snarled at me and cussed, continuing to push at me. I stumbled to the bottom, growling, looking at Bob and Randy who were in tow.

"What are you going to do to me huh?! Why don't you just let me go?!" I snarled.

Bob came to my side while the others formed a circle around us. "Easy now, Two-Sh**," Bob huffed. "We're just giving you a chance at your offer."

"What?" My eyebrows furrowed, glaring. "What offer?"

"Well, you said you was gonna kick all of our a**** so here's your chance. And if you can beat all of us up, you're free to go."

Free? Did he just say free?

My eyes were wide, suddenly tense with anticipation. Bob untied my hands from behind me.

"I'm serious; if you can beat us all up, you can walk on outta here." Bob said with a smirk.

That was all I needed to hear. Adrenaline and rapid anger rushed through me and I whirled around and socked Bob hard, feeling proud of myself as I watched him fall.

"Alright Greaser, let's see what ya got." I turned to see the two Socs who I didn't know, approaching me with raised fists.

I growled and raised my fists as well, glaring, determined to get out of here. I can take all of these suckers, I can take 'em.

I let them come to me before I socked the one in the face, hitting the other, before Randy was behind me, shoving me down to the ground.

Suddenly vulnerable, I growled and made to get up, but David kicked at me.

I swore and glared, seeing Bob was back on his feet as well as the others and they were making their way straight for me.

I growled and shoved at David's feet, knocking him back, scrambling to get up, only for Randy to punch me hard. I stumbled back, sending him daggers, fists clenched.

Bob was coming up to me, looking smug. "Awww, the Greaser thinks he actually has a chance of getting away," He snickered lowly. "Fat chance, Two-Bit." He huffed.

I glared and eyed him with hatred, punching him hard in the stomach, shoving him down.

Suddenly someone was behind me with their arms wrapped around my throat, choking me with a laugh. I kicked and scratched at their arms, coughing and squirming.

He threw me down to the ground and I landed on my chest, breathing heavily, attempting to get away, but stupid Randy grabbed me, yanking me off the ground.

He held my arms behind me in a lock and the two unknown Socs took turns slugging me.

I yelped and groaned when Randy dropped me to the ground. Somebody kicked me in the face and I curled into myself in pain.

"Come on Two-Bit, is that really all ya got?!" Bob yelled at me.

I coughed and started to push myself up. "Th-this ain't a fair fight!" I growled.

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