Worried Greasers

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As soon as Ponyboy opened his eyes, he blinked and got up, hurrying out to the kitchen, expecting to see Two-Bit there. But he wasn't.

Pony frowned deeply, knowing he shouldn't have been so hopeful.

Soda was sitting at the table, frowning deeply, refusing to eat. Darry was talking to him in a low voice.

"Soda, if you're still upset about the party, I promise we can-"

"It's not the party i'm upset about," Soda almost snapped, swiping at his eyes.

Ponyboy frowned, watching. Two days ago had been Sodapop's seventeenth birthday and though Darry had offered to bake a cake and celebrate, Soda had refused to have a party without Two-Bit there.

He was still taking it pretty hard. Shoot, they all were. Ponyboy frowned and went back to his room to change into new clothes.

He missed Two-Bit real bad. He couldn't stop thinking about him and what might be happening to him, his imagination often getting the best of him, creating far-fetched scenarios that he at least hoped weren't happening to Two-Bit.

The gang had been trying real hard to find Two-Bit; they looked all across town and they went to Soc territory and knocked on Socs doors even, searching everywhere for long hours, through most of the night.

Today was the fourth day since Two-Bit went missing and the Greasers were starting to lose hope in finding him. They had even recruited Tim Shepard to help search for him, who agreed after hearing the troubling news.

The police weren't doing much when it came to searching for missing persons so they of course weren't helping any.

Ponyboy sighed with a deep frown as he changed, coming back out to the kitchen, yawning. He was awfully tired, not sleeping very well lately. Shoot, none of the gang was sleeping well lately.

It was too quiet with Two-Bit gone and there was more anger, probably from the lack of sleep and the anxiety over one of their friends being gone.

Steve grumbled constantly, Dallas always swore and Soda couldn't even smile. Pony was just quiet, Darry was worried sick and Johnny never said a word.

They need Two-Bit back, they need their buddy again.

Ponyboy sat at the table and looked at his two sad brothers when the screen door slammed and Tim Shepard walked in.

Darry looked up at Tim with wide eyes. "Well? Anything?"

Tim frowned and shook his head, looking tired. "Sorry Darrel. Been out lookin' all night. Checked Socs' territory all over."

Soda's eyes got narrow and he swore. "This isn't right! We outta call for a rumble and just settle this!"

"It's too soon for that i'm afraid, Pepsi-Cola." Darry sighed, shaking his head.

"Too soon? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Soda stood and growled, eyes narrowed at his brother.

Darry frowned. "If we call for a rumble now-"

"D*** it, Darry! This is Two-Bit we're talking about! Two-Bit! He cares about all of us! Do you know what he'd be doing right now if it were one of us instead?! God, do you even care about him at all?!" Soda snapped and stormed out onto the porch, wiping at the hot tears in his eyes.

A shocked Darry watched him go and Pony watched with his mouth open.

Tim cleared his throat. "Sorry Darrel. My gang and I will be looking all day today."

Darry sighed and ran his hands over his face tiredly. "Thanks Tim. Dally will prolly join ya. I wish I could help out instead of being at work."

Tim just nodded his head a little. "You got your own family to worry about." He glanced at Ponyboy.

"Yeah well, so do you." Darry sighed, looking at Tim, very stressed. "God his mother is so worried."

"I'll bet. I swear we'll let you know if we find him man." Tim assured, keeping calm.

"Thanks Tim," Darry nodded, and watched Tim go. "Pony, you keep an eye out in case Two-Bit's at school today, alright?"

"Yeah, Dar, I know," Pony nodded, rubbing at his eyes. "We'll go lookin' again right after school right?"

"You can go with Johnny to try and hunt down Dallas and look with 'em. Be careful if ya go into Soc territory. Otherwise we'll join y'all after work." Darry drank his coffee.

"Are we ever gonna find him, Darry?" Pony asked quietly, looking sad.

"We're going to find him Ponyboy, we will. It's just....." He sighed. "It's taking longer than we hoped."

"Do you think Two-Bit's okay?" Ponyboy swallowed, worried and thinking about what was happening to his friend right now.

Darry sighed, unsure of what to say. "I hope so, little brother, I sure hope so."

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