The Rumble

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Two-Bit's Point of View

The next day was the day of the rumble, and I was more tense and nervous than ever.

It was hard to wait all day for Bob and them to come back from school, I stuck chained up at the dog bed.

I prayed and prayed for the Greasers to win tonight and I could be free, back with the gang again.

I hope they'll win and I'm sure they will, knowing they'd win for my sake.

Bob and the others came back from school and fed me and before I knew it, it was time to head off for the rumble.

I swallowed as Bob put on my jacket, him murmuring to me. "Don't worry buddy, you're not going anywhere. We won't let them Greasers win."

I frowned and tried not to believe him as he tied my wrists together behind me, gagged me and then led me out to the mustang by my leash.

I trembled a little, too tense and anticipated.

It was around suppertime as they drove for the lot where the rumble was and I swallowed, shifting in my seat, nervous.

God please let them win.

When we pulled up, the Greasers were already all there as well as the Socs and the lot was filled with young boys, us being the last ones to arrive.

I gulped as Bob took me out of the car, holding me by my leash. I could feel hundreds of eyes on me and I cowered.

Every Greaser was there, even the Brumly Boys and Tim's gang, including his little brother. Mark Jennings and his brother were even there too.

But a lot of Socs were there too.

Everyone was lined up, looking real tuff and I swallowed as Bob led me over to Darry and the others, who eyed me with longing expressions.

"Okay Greaseballs," Bob sneered. "Whichever side wins gets to have Two-Bit here. No weapons, only fists. Y'all got it?"

"We got it, a******." Steve snarled.

Bob huffed and nodded and led me over to a tree, beginning to tie me up to it with rope and I whimpered, weakly pulling, not able to get free as he tied it tightly.

"You stay here. I'll be right back here for you, just watch," Bob said to me lowly and I whimpered quietly, fearing him, watching him walk off and to his side with the Socs.

I gulped and watched, tense. They were all doing this for me, for my sake.

I felt a little guilty suddenly, hoping none of the gang would get hurt, eyes big as I watched, waiting for the fight to start.

Everyone was waiting for the opposing side to go first and it was quiet, each side not willing to throw the first punch.

But then I heard a growl and one of the Greasers, I think it was Mark Jennings, just threw a punch, hitting a Soc and then all hell broke loose, the rumble starting.

I flinched and winced as I watched, watching each side go at it and beat the living sh** out of each other and it was very hard for me to watch.

I can't believe I actually take part in these fights. It was absolutely brutal.

I couldn't watch my friends get beat up and I whimpered, listening to all the yelling and swearing, just hoping they weren't getting hurt.

I've gotten banged up something awful in previous rumbles and I know how bad it can get. I would never want any of my friends to get hurt like that, especially not over me.

However, it seemed like the Greasers were winning and I relaxed just a little.

They're gonna win, I just know it, I watched, seeing the Socs get completely whipped.

I frowned when I saw Ponyboy and Johnny getting beat pretty badly and I whimpered, but Dally came to their rescue, smashing Socs' heads in.

Tim was absolutely brutal, beating up every Social that dared to take him on.

Darry, well, Darry obviously wasn't in any trouble. And Soda and Steve were doing just fine on their own.

I relaxed, seeing we were winning and I knew I was home free.

This is it, imma get outta here! I'll be free! I won't be a prisoner any more or ever again!

The fight was coming to an end, the Socs clearly losing and I had never been happier.

Suddenly I saw Bob come out of the crowd, pulling David along with him and they came to me with a snarl.

What? What are they doing?

They were both covered in dirt and bloody and Bob started untying me with David.

"Come on, come on, hurry, before someone sees!" Bob urged and I whimpered out with narrowed eyes.

What are they doing?! This is against the rules! They can't take me away from the fight!

But they untied the rope from around me and the tree and Bob threw me over his shoulder and I screamed out as they darted away to their car.

I screamed and looked up with wide eyes, hoping someone would see me being taken away from the fight, my eyes glossy, not wanting to be taken away again, whimpering.

Bob threw me into the car, growling at David. "Drive, drive! Hurry!"

David hopped in and ripped away, the engine loud and Bob grabbed me and yanked me close as I screamed, crying in fear.

I had just been taken away again, again.

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