Home At Last

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Two-Bit's Point Of View

I was still sniffling in the truck when Steve drove into Greaser turf and I looked up to see we weren't going to the Curtis house.

"Wh-Where we goin'?" I frowned.

"We're taking you home, buddy. You gotta see your mother." Darry said softly.

Mother. I had almost forgotten about her by now but of course that wasn't possible.

I swallowed and bit my lip, my heart suddenly aching, missing her. I wiped at my eyes, tensing when we pulled up at my house.

Eyes wide, I stepped out of the car and it felt weird not having someone pulling a leash on me.

The rest of the gang followed me to the door and I looked at Darry with big eyes, lips pursed.

He seemed to understand and knocked on the door and I stood waiting, incredibly tense.

The door opened quickly and there was my mother, her eyes widening when she saw me.

My eyes went big and watery and I just stared at her in awe, lip quivering a little.

Her lips quivered and she immediately embraced me with a cry and she nuzzled me, squeezing me tight.

"Son, oh Two-Bit, Two-Bit, my baby, you're home!" She was crying and I was too, hugging her back tightly, nuzzling into her neck in love, completely relieved and relaxed now, loving her, so happy to be back home.

"I'm here Mama, i'm here. I ain't goin' nowheres ever again." I smiled, hugging her tightly and I meant what I said too.


Well, everything went back to normal again, for the most part. Bob was arrested and taken to jail, being sent to jail for 2 years for kidnapping, assault, attempted murder and other charges.

Randy and the others were all charged too and had to do a month's worth of community service.

As for me, everything pretty much became okay. I was back home where I belonged and with the gang, happy as could be.

Steve and Soda had went and brought back my suitcase of clothes for me and my Roo too, much to my relief.

Though I was still mentally scarred, being with the gang was enough to bring me back to reality to remind me of who I really was.

Oh and Marcia and I are dating now, too, much to Randy's disliking. But he didn't give me any trouble. Not after all that he had been involved with.

"Quiet, quiet, he's coming, he's coming!" Steve hissed and brought me away from my thoughts, him darting away from the door to hide behind the couch with me.

I swallowed and tensed, biting my lip as I waited.

I heard the door open and close and on instinct, I jumped up with the others.

"SURPRISE!" We all shouted.

Soda jumped and immediately grinned, smiling at us. "Aw gee, ya guys!"

We were finally celebrating Soda's birthday party, though it was very past due.

I smiled widely as we all ate cake and drank beer, watching Soda open his presents.

I had felt bad that Soda hadn't just celebrated his party on his actual birthday, that he had to wait for me, but Soda told me it was no problem, patting my shoulder.

But everything was going okay now, everything was okay and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

The gang rarely left my side now; Darry had told me I shouldn't walk around by myself no mores and usually had someone go with me.

I guess I didn't mind too much, I mean, they are my friends after all.

The only real downside of all that had happened was school. I had missed an entire week and a half and there was no way I could make it all up.

But I didn't try in school anyways so it wasn't really that much of a loss. But I still felt bad.

But Bob was gone and I was home where I belong and that was all that mattered.

The gang took care of me and treated me right and I couldn't ask for a better life than right here at home.

And home is where I'm staying and I ain't never leaving here again.

A/N: Well, it's finally over, *cries* Can't believe how fast I wrote this, it's amazing. Thank you all for reading and commenting and staying with me until the end. It was a good run writing this.

Stay Gold, my friends. :D

Stay tuned for the upcoming sequel!

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