Trapped With The Enemy

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A/N: Very Short Chapter :P

Two-Bit's Point of View

I hardly slept that night, too afraid and shook up and it was very hard for me to sleep while lying so uncomfortably on my stomach.

So when Bob woke me up the next morning, I was very tired and still afraid of him, I trembled, hoping he wouldn't hurt me.

Bob untied me and slipped off the pillowcase and took out my gag and I sat down, so happy to be off my stomach finally.

My body was awfully sore and Bob hooked on my leash as he started picking out my new clothes.

I frowned at him and watched him in anticipation, afraid of him and what he would do to me next.

Bob grabbed me some new clothes and then took me to the bathroom where he helped dress me and brush my hair, much to my disliking.

I was uncomfortable and I wanted to be away from him. I don't like him no mores.

After breakfast, Bob told me they were going back to school and I would stay here again.

I frowned at him and he brought me to the dog bed, making me sit and he chained me up, tying my wrists together and then gagging me.

I frowned deeply and whimpered a little. "Mmm mmm,"

"See ya after school," He just huffed and left with the others and I frowned deeply, wanting free, wishing the gang would stop by again.

But they didn't.

Bob and the others came back after school and Bob fed me some lunch and I ate and stayed quiet, frowning very deeply, saddened.

After lunch, Bob had me sit with him at the couch to watch TV, him holding me back onto his shoulder.

I frowned deeply, hating how I was being treated. It wasn't until later that Bob started being mean to me again.

It was when he had told me to lie down on the floor to let him hogtie me and I had said no.

"No?" Bob looked at me and I swallowed hard.

"I don't wanna. All ya do is hurt me, Bob and I don't like it." I frowned.

"Excuse me?"

I licked my lips, eyes big. "Y-You ain't my friend Bob," I spoke in a solid voice. "You ain't. The Greasers are my real friends. You just lied to me," I growled with a glare and Bob looked angry. "And I want you to stop." I huffed.

Bob growled, eyes narrowed. "Where do you think you get the right mind to talk to me like that? I'm your master!"

"No, you're not." I growled back, finding my courage. "You're sick, that's what!" I woulda fought him or made a break for it there, but I was still tied up and Bob was holding my leash.

"That's enough, Two-Bit, and you listen to me," Bob growled, pointing a finger.

"No, I ain't listening to you no more! Or ever again!" I shouted with a glare, spitting at him.

"Gah! Get him tied down in a chair!" Bob ordered at the others and they nodded, getting up and grabbing a chair.

I snarled and tried to go out the door but Bob pulled on the leash and the others grabbed me, tying me down to the chair.

I snarled and jerked around, trying to get away, cussing, hating them all.

When I was tied down, Bob snarled at me. "You little sh**! Those Greasers musta finally got to ya, huh? Well, i'll give 'em a piece of my mind.....! Give me a number for me to call them,"

"What?" I growled and glared, eyes narrow.

"You heard me, give me a number, now!" Bob snapped, holding up a fist as a warning and I flinched, telling him Darry's number and he huffed.

"Gag him," He told the others and a gag was quickly shoved into my mouth.

"Mmm mmmm!" I whimpered and growled, thrashing my head around, jerking in the chair.

"Now keep him quiet," Bob picked up the phone and dialed Darry's number, holding the phone to his ear, waiting.

I watched him with wide eyes, wondering what he was doing.

After a minute, Bob spoke, smirking. "Yeah hi, is this a Darrel Curtis? This is Bob Sheldon, i'm a good friend of Two-Bit's. I just wanted to call you and let ya know how he's doing....." Bob smirked in my direction.

"Two-Bit? What are you doing to him? You let him go!" Darry's voice yelled on the other line.

"Oh don't worry buddy, he's doing just fine, see for yourself," Bob smirked and took the phone away from his ear, holding it near me, signalling for the guys to ungag me.

They did and I breathed in, wide-eyed, looking at the phone. "Darry? Darry, is that you?"

"Two-Bit? Two-Bit, are you okay?" I heard Darry's worried voice.

I almost started crying. "Oh Darry, you were right Darry, you were right! I'm sorry! Please Darry you have to help me! Please! I-" My voice was cut off and muffled as a hand went over my mouth.

"Mmm mmm mmmm!"

"Two-Bit?! Two-Bit! Buddy!" Darry called for me. "Let him go!" He growled through the phone at the Socs.

David was gagging me now and I was yelling out, voice muffled. "Oh but he's fine, Darry, he's fine, just listen." Bob smirked.

I was yelling out through the gag, trying to talk to Darry and someone punched me hard and I yelped, whimpering.

"No, no please don't hurt him! Please!" Darry yelled.

I was punched again and I cried out in pain with a yelp.

"Rrrr, we're going to come over there and take him back ourselves!" Darry shouted and Bob grabbed the phone.

"No way, we had a deal. And if you come over, we'll just hurt him some more. You hear that, Grease? If any of you show your ugly faces around here, we'll beat him. And I mean it. See ya at the rumble." Bob growled and hung the phone up, despite Darry's yelling on the other end.

Bob looked at me with narrowed eyes and I frowned deeply, sniffling. "That went well," Bob smirked. "Can't wait until this rumble so I can stomp some more Greaser a**."

I sniffled, a tear falling down my cheek.

I just hope the Greasers will win so I can go back to them, wanting to belong again.

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